11. Jealous?

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Ariana pov

I smiled and walked on the stage. Wow this crowd is bigger than last time. I took a deep breath as the music played. I held the microphone tightly as I began to sing. Big sean came out and began rapping. Everybody was cheering. Wondering how I got him to come? Well I was at the mall the other day and I saw him so i was like why not. My part came and I began to sing. After it was done I walked backstage to Justin. I smirked as I sat down next to him."how did you get big sean?" Justin asked. "Not telling you". Selena looked at me. "Omg Ariana you did great!" Selena said walking over to me giving me a hug. I smiled. "Selena Gomez" the man said. "Here I go!" Selena said with a squeal. She followed the man and we turned the screen watching her.A man walked in and walked over to me and Justin. "Can I have a word with you two?" He said. Me and justin looked at each then looked back at him. "Yeah, sure" Justin said. We got up and followed him to a room. "hello,I'm scooter brauns.. and I was wondering if I could sign you two. You guys have real talent and that's what I need." He said. "I have to talk to my parents" I said. He nodded and
pulled out a card. He gave me and justin one. "Call me and we can have a meeting" I smiled and nodded. "You guys should get back before your teacher will worry" he said with a smile. We walked back to where we were. "Everybody on the stage". We walked up and stage and all of group held hands. Justin held my hand tight. "Selena Gomez, Zack Devens,Miley Cyrus, Liz Gilles, Taylor Swift" the guy said. They took a step forward. "I'm sorry but you didn't make it". Selena started crying as she walked off the stage. "Only 200 hundred people left. You can go to twitter and vote and make sure to follow them. I'll see you guys next month". "I love you Justin!" A couple of girls screamed. Which caused me to roll my eyes.
End of pov

They walked backstage. "Lets go everybody" Mrs.green yelled. Ariana sat next to selena on the bus. "Everything will be okay" Ariana said rubbing her back.

At school

The bell rang dismissing everybody. 'Thank God' Ariana thought to herself. She walked to her locker. She opened her locker throwing her books in. She grabbed her bag and shut locker. Ariana jumped as she saw Justin leaning on the locker next to hers. "Oh my gosh Justin you scared me" Ariana said while giggling. "Want to come over my place?" Justin said. "Ummm.. sure" Ariana said adjusting her bag. He smirked. They walked outside and to his car. "So are you going to sign with that scooter guy?" Ariana asked as she put her seat belt on. "Eh I don't know yet. I'm not ready for the famous life" he said while starting the car. Ariana turned on the radio and started to sing along
with the song that played. Justin smiled to himself as he drove.

At Justin house (in his bedroom)

"Somebody was jealous earlier" Justin said Ariana made a confused face. "I saw you roll your eyes when those girls screamed for me." Justin said with a smirk. "why would I be jealous" Ariana said while crossing her arms. Justin chuckled and put his arms around her waist. "Ariana is jealous". Justin said teasing Ariana. Ariana sighed "fine I'm jealous" Ariana wrapped her arms around Justin neck and leaned over to his ear "I want you all to myself". Justin smirked to himself. Ariana moved up to Justin lips and lightly brushed her lips against his. He leaned in for a kiss but Ariana pulled back. She smirked and pulled away from Justin. "I'll see you tomorrow" she said grabbing her bag leaving.
Omg did you guys see the ariana and Justin selfie?! I fangirled so hard lol.

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