Chapter One: The Fight That Changed Everything

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"What do you want from me, dad?!?!?! Mom left because she wanted to, it's not my fault!!" I snapped, screaming in disgust, while tears were streaming down my face. My dad looked at me with an annoyed expression; this was the first time I fought back, I was tired of his crap, he hurt me and it was time that I took a step forward. Without any warning I walked up to him and slapped him across the face and tried to run away. Before I could get away he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, slapped me across the face and kneed me in the stomach; I fell to the ground in agony.


"You know what dad?! I'm tired of your b***sh**, I'm done with you!!" I fought back.

"Don't you talk back to me young lady!!!" He snapped, once again. I got up as quick as I could, ignoring him as i ran up to my horrid room and locked the door behind me as fast as I could. I ran around my room quickly; grabbed my suitcase and filled with all my belongings. I didn't have many things but once I was packed I hoped out my window and opened the gate to happiness.

*********************************************FLASHBACK'S OVER****************************************

That memory keeps replaying in my mind and makes me more angry every time it does so all I do is run harder and faster, the only way to get farther from that jerk of a dad. I'm confused, sad, angry and just an emotional mess: why did my mom even leave in the first place?! Why was my dad so oblivious to the fact that she wasn't a perfect angel, when she clearly wasn't! I was always treated like a piece of crap my and I'm tired of not feeling good enough for anyone; It's a horrible life and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. The only thing that was keeping me happy and alive for so long was the fact that One Direction was there by my side with their music and helpful advice, it made me hopeful and realize that I can get through this; that God has a better future planned out for me. I've always been a believer and will never stop being one.

I've been running for about 2 hours running wherever my legs take me; luckily I was on the high school track team for 4 years, it was my only escape. I'm lost and afraid; I have no idea where I am or where to go. As I look around I see a large open grassy field to my right, some houses to my left, and a big open road in front of me that seemed to go on forever: it looked promising knowing the possibilities are endless. I decided that my best choice was to just keep running and see where my legs take me.

After about another half an hour I couldn't run any more, I was tired, hot and sweaty. I stopped; my heart was beating a mile a minute and I was breathing heavily. As I calmed down I got up and started walking, after a few minutes I looked around and realized that recognized where I was; I was in London!!! I lived in Chestnut so London wasn't too far away! Honestly I couldn't taken one more step, my legs, back and feet were in agony, I needed to find a place to go. I could go to a hotel but the ones around here are too pricey and the motels around here are just plainly disgusting. Thinking of where to go I came up with the perfect idea, sleep in a park under the night sky! The perfect soothing night sounds and breeze are so relaxing it would put me right to sleep. Yes, the park sounded delightful, so I found the nearest park and laid down my blanket and pillow, pulled out my IPod and put One Direction on. In less than 10 minutes I was out like a light. Dreaming up endless possibilities of my future.

___________________________The Next Morning____________________________________

 I woke up to the blaring sun, the birds chirping and the wonderful smell of bacon. Mmmmmmm yummy i haven't had bacon in forever!! Just as my mind flashes back to last night i realized that i went to sleep in the park; but now I'm in a very comfortable bed; wait, what?! Panicking i got up running around frantically, tyring to figure out where i am.  I was in a room with white painted walls, a red desk, cashmere rugs, and a bed with red sheets. Scared i ran i out of the room; not caring where i was going, just tring to get out before anyone could hurt me.

Not paying attention where i am going it wasnt a suorise when i hit something hard and fell on my butt with a lound thump.

"Ow......" I said while rubbing my now sore butt.

"Are you ok, love?? Where are you going in such a rush???" A deep brisk voice said.

The deep brisk voice of Harry Styles.

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