Letters to a Lover

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Every letter I write on this paper means something to me. He might think I'm just a crazy fan wanting to meet him. But that's ok that's all he'll probably ever thing of me as. A crazy fan wanting to jump in his pants. I wouldn't blame him for it, our fandom is nuts! But that's why I write to him, I want to show him I'm different.

I was cut out off my thoughts as Erin barged into my room without warning. "Erin! Gosh you scaried the heck out of me!" She giggled before replying "So what are you writing?" She said ignoring my question. " it's a letter." I said staring at the paper in front of me rereading it over and over again. I need it to be perfect. "So your still writing Harry Styles love letters?" She said raising an eyebrow.

"The're not love letters, the're letters to him to show him i'm different." I stated. "Do you think they will work? Has he even wrote back to the first one?" "No but I'm not losing hope!" I said turning so we were now face to face. "Ok well we should do something" "Ok lets um... lets go for a walk." I suggested. "Sure bring money were going to stop by kone korner!" "Ok sounds good!" I jumped out of my chair making sure my letter was ready for mailing.

I grabbed the letter and five bucks and headed to the door

"Ready? " Erin asked from my porch. "Yea." I said joining her. We walked silently only making small talk when needed. After we got there we both ordered and sat on a bench. "So do you really think Harry will get your letters?" She asked licking her ice cream. Erin loves her food! "I hope so! I just don't know if he'll every write back. But I guess I am just a fan." "Don't worry he'll write back!" I nodded hoping she was right.

We ate and talked for a bit longer until we decided to head back home. When I was on my porch I waved goodbye to Erin. "Bye Makenzie see you tomorrow!" She walks home from my house because she lives a block away. I then went to my mail box still seeing the letter I wrote. Well I'm going to have to wait.

~Harry's pov~

Lately I've been getting a lot a fan mail. And everyday this girl named Makenzie writes me a letter. She seems like a really nice girl. But should I write back? Would she get it? What would I even say to her? She's sent a couple pictures of herself. But that doesn't mean that could be her but who ever she is, she is beautiful!

"Harry! Did you eat my pizza!" Niall screamed from the kitchen. "No" I screamed back shoving the pizza in my mouth before he saw it. Niall walked in after I finished off the pizza. "What's that?" He asked meaning by the letter in my hand. "It's this girl Makenzie. She writes to me every day." "Are they love letters? " he asked more interested. "No, more of discribing herself letters." "Oh cool! Have you wrote back?" He asked sitting on the arm rest of the couch. "No, I don't know what I would say to her." "That's easy, you beautiful and do you have any sexy mofo friends for Nialler?" "In your dreams lover boy!" I said pushing him off the arm rest. "Calling me lover boy? Your Mr.Flirt!" I couldn't disagree. "You got me there." Louis then came in. "What's that?" He said pointing to the note in my hand anf drinking tea with the other.

Well story time. Might as well have all the boys here.

~Makenzie's pov four days later~

Still nothing. Should I give up hope or keep waiting? "Makenzie, come here!" My mom said screaming up the stairs. "What?" I screamed back. Silence. Ok well I'm going to have to get and see what she wants. I skipped down the steps to be tackled down by Riddick. Riddick is my great dane. "Riddick come on let me up!" I said between fits of giggles.

"Riddick come here." My mom said. "So what did you need?" I said about to sit down on the couch. "There's a letter in the mail with your name on it." I missed the couch and fell right in front of the couch. "Really?" I said standing up and ran to the mail box. I ripped the letter out of the mail box and sprinted in side and up the stairs. I looked at my name on the front. "Makenzie" I said tracing over the letters. I ripped it open and started reading.

'Dear Makenzie,

Thank you so much for all the letters and pictures. I think your a really cool girl and would love to see you tomorrow. Look a little closer at the envelop. Oh and bring any frienf you want. The're two tickets. And Niall is lonely


Harry Styles'

I reached into the envelop to bring out two tickets and backstage passes! He actually wrotr back I knew he would! Now text Erin!

Makenzie: Erin Harry wrote back and now I have two tickets and backstage passes!

Erin: what! Really? Omg I get to see Niall and share chicken wings with him.

Makenzie: yes you can if you really want to. c:

I can't believe he actually wrote back. And now I get to meet him! What's next?

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