Chapter 2

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Sorry I didn't update! I've been caught up in school at volleyball.


~next day~

Today was the day I was going to meet Harry Styles. In the envelop there was a place written down where we are going to meet. Erin decided to come with me. Erin and I drove there in my nice little purple car. "Are you sure this is the right way?" Erin said searching her surroundings. "That's what this thing says!" We drove for a short while until we came across a brick building. "Um.. why would Harry meet us here?"

We both got out of the car and slowly walked to the door peeking through the thick glass. That's when everything went black and a scream was heard from Erin.


My vision was slowly getting clearer. I looked around to find Erin in the corner with her head down, hands tied behind her back, and rope wrapped around her mouth. I slowly started to notice the burning in my hands and mouth. "Erin!" I tried to scream but it all came out a mumbled blur. Her head shot up showing cuts and bruises. She stared at me worry covered her face than turned into fright.

"Hello darling... have a good sleep?" I stared at the man in front of me. Is he the one that hurt Erin? "So I bet you're wonder who I am and how I got you here, correct?" He said more to me than Erin. I lightly nodded my head. Then the man threw papers in front of me. I bent down looking at the papers. they were several envelops with the name Harry written on all. They were in my handwriting.

He finally took off the rope from my mouth. "What do you want?" I said low and quiet not wanting to upset him. I think Erin might have done something that made him mad, I don't want that to happen to me. "I want money and that's why you're here." I wrinkled my forehead not knowing where he was going with this. "OK listen... me and your dad had a bad past and that's all you need to know."

Why was he bringing my dad into this? "That's not enough for me to understand." I said more confident than before. Anger took over in his eyes. Why was he so mad? He sudden comes closer and slaps me across my cheek. I touched my cheek as it burns making my mouth turn into an O shape.

He then stormed out. We were both unable to anything but watch as he leaves. When he was out of sight I quickly turned my head to face Erin's. "Are you OK?" She was still unable to talk with the rope still tightly around her mouth. She nodded unsure if it was true. I'm not OK in this situation either. I don't know what he wants or why he wanted me out of all people.

I looked at the rope behind my back. I wasn't able to move over to Erin because there was a pole between my arms. Maybe my mom will somehow know where I am. Wait my phone! I looked at my pockets to see no bump of where my phone could be. I sat on my butt to see if was in my back pocket but got nothing. "Erin check if your phone is in any of your pockets." I said desperately.

She struggled to find if anything was in her pockets. after a few minutes of her searching she sadly rocked her head left to right. My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. I looked for anything all I found was a window and an envelope out of arms reach. what are we suppose to do? Just sit here and starve to death.

After two hours of struggling to get free the tall dark man came back. He tossed a plate in front of me with a couple grapes and three slices of cheese. I stared at the plate until he spoke up. "Eat." He commanded. I still sat there staring at the plate. I wasn't really hungry and if I did eat I would probably just throw it back up. I faked ate I would put the food in my mouth chew and when he wasn't looking spit it out behind me.

If I didn't do what he said he would beat me until blood rose from my cheeks. For a week we both only had one meal a day and I now eat it all so I really don't want to starve to death. Today he came in with a video camera and the red light turned on and pointed it at both me and Erin. What is he doing? "Hello Mark.." Which is my dads name. "This is what I call payback... if you want her back give me what i want. And you know what I want." Then ended the video. I wonder what my dad did to get him all worked up.

I didn't want to ask because if I did he would beat me. Once he was gone I turned to Erin who was now able to talk because he decided she should be able to. "Hey have you noticed that note? I did a long time ago but I can't reach it!" I say extending my leg to see how far I could reach. Still not enough. I looked at the note laying on the floor. Why would he leave that there. I mean if not then he has definitely seen it there.

I reached out as far as possible and the top of my toe was touching the corner. I slowly tried to bring it to me but slipped. I then got balanced again and started to pull it forward until it was right in front of me. I wasn't sure how I was going to open the envelop. I put one foot on one side of the paper and my other foot on the other side and pulled outward until it ripped in the middle.

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