best friend

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(This is really long sorry)
Tyler POV

my day started with an annoying beeping sound coming from my alarm clock. It read 8:30 AM but today I felt like sleeping in, I turned the alarm off and drifted back to sleep. I woke up to a head full of beautiful brown hair, but the second I opened my eyes I knew exactly who it was. Marcus isn't my boyfriend hell he isn't even gay BUT he's my best friend not just any ordinary best friend, he's that best friend that you cuddle with at anytime, that best friend you flirt with just for fun, that best friend that acts like your boyfriend even though he's straight. He's my rock he's there for me whenever I need him and I'm there whenever he needs me. he's also my roommate  I look at him soundly asleep like the angel he is. I pulled him closer to me and started tracing circles right in between his shoulder blades. His head was laid against my chest with one arm around my torso and the other under his head, our feet tangled with each others. This among the many things he does puts me at ease. After staring at the handsome man for what felt like hours he finally woke up. 'Good morning' he said in a very low raspy voice that i adored but in a friendly way. 'Good morning to you too' I said with a giggle. we laid there for a couple more minutes just chatting about the plans for today. 'I kinda feel like having a stay at home day what about you?' I asked 'sound good to me Ty' I pulled him into a lazy embrace and got out of bed. We made our way to the kitchen to get some coffee and just to relax. 'Go sit down ty I got it' 'thanks babeeee' we call eachother nicknames like babe, marcy, ty, etc I don't find it wierd at all, I find it adorable and cute. I walked to the couch and opened both of our laptops knowing we were going to be on them for a while. suddenly I look at the clock and it's already 3PM. 'dude I'm fucking starving' I complained 'want do you want to eat?' 'I'm thinking Chinese' 'I'll go pick some up what do you want' 'you know what I want I get the same thing EVERYTIME' 'orange chicken with fried rice' we both said at the same time and laughed after. Soon he left and it was just me, myself, and I. The apartment suddenly felt like a mansion and I felt a sudden feeling of loneliness come apon me. I didn't like being alone from past events it's one of my pet peeves/thinks that I hate. I start over thinking about the stupidest things like relationships and food and the Internet. One time I had a debate in my head just arguing with myself weather subway was better than Taco Bell. I wish I was joking. but today I found myself thinking of Marcus. I've thought  about him before not gunna lie. He's perfect, everything about him is perfect. From the way he has no shame about anything to the way he crinkles his nose when he laughs really hard. I've thought about dating him more than once. Trust me if he asked me out and if he were gay I'd say yes in a heartbeat. I'd be proud to call him my boyfriend. I didn't like being single, well it didn't really bother me but I'd love to be in a relationship. But I'd love to be in a relationship with a soulmate and Marcus is for sure one of my soul mates. he makes me a really happy person and he knows when something wrong. I will be showing no signs of being in a bad mood and he'll be like 'what's wrong'. He gets me and I get him. Thinking about relationships made me feel even more lonelier than just being alone in
My apartment. I'd love to wake up everyday to someone I can call my boyfriend, I'd love to hold hands with someone in public and know that I'm safe with them. I would do the cheesiest things on any holiday. I'd do anything for them. I'd do anything for Marcus and I bet hell do anything for me,but be in a relationship. I herd the door unlock and in came in Marcus with a bag of food. I hummed with excitement bc I was starving. Marcus doesn't like when I get into my thoughts, he knows it puts me in an off mood. We started eating and finished our meals. Both of us to lazy to clean the dishes so we just set them in the sink and walked away. 'Have you been thinking? You seem a bit off' 'yeah I have, when you went to go get food.' 'What did you think about?' 'relationships n shit' 'anyone specific come to mind?' my face went a deep shade of red as I tried to lie to him but he was too smart to fall for that. He laughed and hugged me. We embraced for longer than usual but it was great. 'I just want to be able to kiss someone on a daily and buy someone flowers for no reason and hold hands with someone.' 'Do that with me' 'what Marcus are you joking' 'nope' popping the p at the end. ' I want to be there for you and if that will make you happy then so be it.' 'Even the kissing part?' 'Even the kissing part.' 'I don't believe you' 'is that so?' I nodded in response 'then kiss me.' My face went blank as a smile creeped up on my face. I moved closer to him now centimeters apart. He could tell I was nervous so he took the last step and put his lips on mine. He moved his soft lips slowly against mine putting me at ease and in a state of euphoria. I started moving my lips against his, he noticed I was ready to take control so he let it happen. The kiss was slow and passionate but lazy at the same time. point blank it was a great kiss. I backed away from his face leaving a smile and a blush on mine and his face. 'Feel better now?' He said in a jokingly fashion. 'Yes thank you' we sat on tumblr the whole day giggling and showing eachother funny gifs and text posts. Everyone in a while Marcus would lazily kiss me on the cheek and I would smile. He also did this thing when I put my hand out for arm facing up and he would lightly move his fingers up and down my arm which is another thing that relaxed me. I thought to myself if this goes on the way it is now then this is going to be fun. It soon turned 11PM and we've accomplished nothing today which was exactly on the agenda so go us. 'I'm getting tired' I said already half asleep. 'Want to go to bed?' He asked slightly concerned.  'Can you sleep with me tonight? boyfriend.' I said jokingly winking at him 'sure' he replied making me smile like an idiot. We both shut our computers off and plugged our phones in. He took my hand leading me to the bedroom, there was no need to change since we haven't changed all day so we were in our pajamas all day. I layed down almost immediately falling asleep when I noticed Marcus wasn't there. the bathroom light was on so I figured he was in there. I drifted to sleep when suddenly I felt familiar arms wrap around me. It was Marcus. he kissed my cheek and a couple seconds later kissed my head. I was the little spoon and I've never felt more safe and secure and we both drifted to sleep happily.

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