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"This is not the end."

The words came to me in a whisper,
All u could of was stand and listen.

B r o k e n

B e t r a y e d

These words left me in my own flood of tears and aches.

L o v e

H a t e

The voice said, " there is a thin line between them."

I said, " I thought I could read between the lines..."

The voice laughed, I gave a muffled cry.

" child! For all the things I trust in the world,
I'll let thee know..

Loyalty passes like a plankton on the thunderous youth,

Friendship sheds like autumn in full swing.

Hate escapes like heat from the enticing fire,

Love hides, and when it shows it's 'real' or 'filth'.

Life will take its turns though! So don't you mourn and cry!"

I share a small half smile and search for the voice,
The voice that helped me to not say goodbye .

Pranjal Majmudar

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