Chapter 1: A new beginning

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Naomi's POV
College. NYU. Here I am.
"OHMYGOD NAOMI! It's so beautiful out here!!" Jill exclaims.
"I can't believe it," I sighed, "I've dreamed of nothing more than to be here"
I spinned around to hug Jillian, grab her by the hand and pull her to get in and register.
"Come on Jill! Jack and his lazy ass can go by himself!"
"Woahh!! You're higher than me for once! I like that," her smirky voice echoing through the doors.
Everyone in the room turned to look at us.
"Jill," I breathed, glaring at her, "Sorry everyone".
We headed to the registration desk. It was our first day and we had already embarassed ourselves.
"Naomi Anne Brooks and Jillian Hill" I said to the receptionist as I pointed to us respectively. She gave us the location of our place and the key.
We ran out to get the rest of our bags.
*THONK* Great, now I bump into some stupid person.
"WHAT THE FUDGE! OW!" I shouted as my butt hit the ground.
"I'M SO SORRY!" He replied as he held my arms to pull me up. Who was this dumbass that wasn't watching his way?!
I got up and began to brush the dirt of my denim dress.
"YOU SHOULD WATCH YOUR GOD DAM-" I looked at who it was. Shoot. It was Ethan. My crush Ethan.
"Gosh! Chill woman!" He says giggling, "I'm sorry Naomi, I'll make it up to you! Umm... I'll bring your bags up to your room!"
"No! No... It's ok, sorry Ethan I thought you were a stranger," I said quite embarassed. My cheeks went red in an instant. He smiled and picked up my papers that had fallen everywhere. I looked at him as he did. He was wearing a white tee and a flanel shirt on top. He looked up and his blue eyes hit me again.
"Here, let's get your bags and Jill's" he said pushing his fringe back.
"NAOMI WAKEY!" Jill screamed in my ear.
"What? Oh yeah sure." I replied. Was I staring. Shoot. I watched Ethan walk back to the car when Jill suddenly came into view.
"Hey loverbird! You awake?," She smirked and ran to the car. Then I realised, Ethan is at my school. Ethan is at NYU. Ethan's going to be in my life for the next four years. No. Oh no. I ran to join them still stuck on what just happened.

"Naomi, Jill come on! Where are your rooms at? I forced Jack to carry Jill's stuff," He smiled, my baggage under each of his arms. Jill smiled and smirked at Jack who looked like he was about to throw her bags into the gutter.
"Sorry guys!" I said smiling apologetically.
"It's fine Mi! One bumped into you and one is my brother," Jill stuck her tongue out at Jack as she grabbed my hand, "Come on! Let's Go!"

"Block B, Level 2? I think? Let's check, they say our name should be on the door." Jill said
"Hurry up ass face my arms hurt" Jack spit rolling his eyes at Jill.
"Shut up if you were a real man, you wouldn't be complaining look at Ethan, he's fine!" Jill fired back. I shook my head and rested each of my hands on their shoulders as we walked to the room.
"Come on guys, first day! let's chill! After this we'll go to the McDonalds across the street! Ethan pays!" I smirk and laugh. Trying so hard not to show that I feel so embarassed saying that.
"Yay!!" Jack and Jill say in unison.
"Hey! Fine. I'll pay if Naomi pays with me and as long as you two stop fighting." Ethan smirked back at me. I shake my head hiding a smile.

"There!" I shout, "Naomi Brooks and Jillian Hill! Found it guys!"
I took the key from my pocket and slotted it into the hole.

"WOAH!" All of us said. Jack and Ethan dropped the bags and began running around the room.

"Man! Hey Jack! The girls' room is double the size of ours! Jill, Naomi! We're so gonna be here all the time man!" He says as he lays smack down on one of the empty beds. Jill smiles at me. I shrug in return.

"Well, look at it! It's big empty white walls, nice laminated floors, 2 big desks and the toilet is as big as mine at home! Jackpot baby!" Jill smiles.
"But can we come over all the time?"
Ethan cuts in.
"Eh... Sure... You guys come over anytime... But wait! Where's your rooms? Have you-" Jill says looking slightly less excited.
"Our room is at Block B we're sharing a room with two other guys.. We've asked them to put our bags for us," Ethan says not so happily about their room, "HENCE THIS IS OUR ROOM TOO ROOM 90% OF THE TIME AND OVER THERE IS OUR SLEEPING AND SHOWER ROOM!"
Ethan raised his hands up in the air as if he was the king.

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