"Okay" I'm glad Ricardo agreed with me on that. "So do you have any decoys?" I asked him. He replied yes. "One will die" I say. He was fine with it luckily.
"So here's my plan." I said. " we video chat him to show him your decoy and kill him. He'll have to let my family go." I said with enthusiasm. We need to video chat with him but how? I know he has a Skype but I don't know the account name for him. I tried every possibility but nothing even remotely close to him. "We have to sneak into his office." I said. "This will be easy." The president said sarcastically. We had the key which was extremely lucky but when we got in there so was he. We waited outside of the office and when he got out we went in. His computer was password protected but all the political figures had the same password: cal-real. We typed it in and luckily he didn't change it. His Skype was up so he had recently used it. Ricardo was busy hacking Skype while I put security cameras in the corners of the room.
His Skype name was the most random thin in the world: "$h!tBasher123". I laughed when I heard it aloud.
Now to gather the decoy and record. "What are you doing in here?!?" A voice says in a stern tone.
Short StoryA woman close to the president gets a rather disturbing "present" the once in a life time decision: to kill the president or her family.