she never told

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Olivia's p.o.v

Omg did she just really say she was in love? That she was in love with a girl? Okay olivia stop freaking out, calm yourself.  Maybe I could, no don't even think about it. I can't tell her, I can't let her find out about me. I couldnt live with my self if something happen to her if her dad found out , I would never see her again. Maybe I should ask who she was in love with. This girl was probably beautiful, smart,funny. Nothing like I am. " okay so your in live with someone, who is she? Tell me everything. How you met. What she looks like. And how to you ended up falling in love and me not having a clue about it. Start talking missy." Trying to not give any look of hurt on my face. I looked up to see Sam looking kinda shocked. She just staring at me, it kinda look like she was trying to think of something she shouldnt be. Which was weird for someone who.just told me she was in love, she should have looked like she just won the lottery or something. I mean when im around her I feel like nothing could go wrong, like nothing else in the world matters. Shouldnt she have some kinda look like that for what she just said. "olivia, I  gotta go! Sam said getting up and running off towards the school parking lot.  "Wait Sam, im sorry Sam please!  Grabbing her bag jumping up and chasing after Sam, barley catching up to her before she got to her car. She grabbed her by the arm and turned her around seeing the tears falling from her eyes. "Sam are you okay tell me what is the matter why did you just take off like that for?" she asked looking into Sams eyes seeing the hurt in them. "I cant tell you" was her only reply. "Listen to me Sam whatever it is it will be okay i know it will just tell me what you was trying to say back there, please." olivia said. "Promise everything will still be the same no matter what i say to you right now?" Sam asked her best friend. "Yes I promise." which Olivia thought she was telling the truth to till she hears what Sam tells her. "You know how we always been friends and that i never date anyone very long? she said. "YES" olivia gave her simple answer. "Well its cuz i couldnt stand to be with anyone that that wasnt..." she could finish the sentence." Wasnt whart? wasnt who?" olivia replied. "YOU" Sams finally answered her friends question.  Olivia just stood there shell shocked to what she had just heard.

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