Chapter 10. ( The legend of the child )

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They had followed the track of the wolf for quite sometime, but they needed to get back. There was no way Edward was going to let Bella anywhere near the Denali's without him around.

'We should split up. I need to go back home.' He said to Carlisle and Emmett.

'No, we know enough and I want ha all to be there when they arrive.'

Edward wanted to argue, but stopped himself. He wanted to get back, so what right did he have to order the others. If he wanted the wolf tracked, he had to do it himself and he wasn't going to do that. They turned around and ran back, just in time to be there before the visit.

The first thing he saw when he arrived home were her sparkling eyes. She jumped in his embrace.

'Hi Edward.' She laughed. 'I have missed you.'

He laughed with here even though he was anxious for what was going to happen.

'Hey, squirt , what about me? Didn't you miss me? Why is Edward always getting all the love?' Emmett pretended to be hurt and it worked marvelously.

She quickly stretched her arms out to him and he took her from Edward. He saw that Alice and Rosalie had done her hair and wardrobe in preparation of their company. She looked absolutely cute.

'What did you discover about the wolf?' Rosalie asked impatient.

Just like all of them, she didn't like anything that could threaten Bella.

'It was most definitely a werewolf.' Carlisle answered.

'Quileute?' Esme asked.

'Most likely.' Carlisle answered.

'Why would they suddenly be interested in us again? They left us alone for many years now.' Esme asked.

'We can only guess their reasons, but it means that we have to be more careful.' Carlisle said.

Jasper went to stand beside Emmett and Bella. He had never met the werewolves and he didn't like this uncertainty. His practical mind liked to be prepared.

Alice was busy watching the visions and he saw the arrival f the Denali's only minutes away. He pulled Bella back from Emmett's arms and stood behind his family with her, standing ready. Carlisle and Esme went outside to greet their guests.

We prepared her for the visit, Edward. She understands and there is no danger. You can relax.

He knew he should heed Alice's advice, but he still felt his muscles tense when Carlisle's voice reached him through his enhanced hearing.

'It's good to see you again, Eleazar.'

They embraced and Esme embraced the others.

'I hope we come at a convenient time?' Eleazar asked.

'For you, our house is always open.' Esme answered. 'You are all welcome.'

'Where is Irina?' Carlisle asked.

Alice had seen that they came without her, but she didn't know why.

'She is held up on one of her travels.' Tanya answered.

I wish we knew. Irina isn't really on our radar lately. She has grown distant.

Tanya cut off her thoughts.

I know you heard that, Edward and I would appreciate it if you would not reveal it to the others.

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