Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up and Tyler was gone. He probably had to go to the store or something.

I went downstairs and Ashlee was still asleep.

"Ash. Get up." i shook her awake.

"What?" she groaned.

"I don't know just get up, lets go out for breakfast or something."

"Hmmm, alright." She got up slowly.

I went back upstairs to my bedroom.

I used the restroom and hopped in the shower.

I did the usual shower routine then got out and got dressed.

I straightened my hair real quick and added a little bit of makeup, then went back downstairs and waited for Ashlee to finish getting ready.

We headed out and went to a small, local cafe.

"So, Bree." Ashlee said when we finally sat down at a booth.

"Ashlee." i mocked her.

"Tell me everything! There has to be something going on. We were together everyday! Now, i haven't seen you in like months!" She laughed, clearly exaggerating.

"Well, we've been hanging out a lot. He stayed at my house and stuff. And then, last night, before you went over, he asked me to be his girlfriend." i smiled.

Her jaw dropped.

"Are you serious?!" she squealed.

"Yes!" i laughed.

"What about his career? He's not just a normal person, Bree. He has a lot of fans, some who are girls and you know how girls are. Aren't you worried like when he goes to shows an-" she was cut off by a waitress who came to our table.

"Hi, my name is Maggie!" a middle aged woman said.

We smiled up at her.

"What would you girls take to drink? And if you're ready, you can order your food also." she beamed.

"Uh, can i have a glass of orange juice? And all i want to eat is just two pancakes." i watched as she wrote down my order.

"And for you?" she gestured to Ashlee.

"Same as her." she smiled.

Maggie nodded and left.

"But really, aren't you worried about him at shows and stuff?" Ashlee continued the conversation from earlier.

"Not really, i mean, well," i sighed, "to be honest, i don't even know what to expect." i rested my head on my hand.

"Have you guys talked about it?"

"We haven't even been together for 24 hours." i shook my head and laughed.

She laughed, "I know, i just don't want you to get like hurt or anything."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I reassured her.

I hope.

Maggie came back to our table and gave our order to us.

We thanked her and started eating.

(After breakfast, back at Breelyn's house. Breelyn's POV)

"When do your parents come back again?" Ashlee and i were sitting on the couch just talking about random things.

"They didn't give me an exact date, they just said 'a few months.'" i shrugged, not really caring since they were barely around anyways.

She nodded, already knowing how my parents were.

We started watching TV and my phone rang and indicated i had an incoming call.

I checked the Caller ID and saw it was Tyler.


"Hey, uh, can you come to the store? Or do you want me to go over? I have something to tell you. And it's, uh, kind of important.." he sounded upset.

My heart started pounding and thoughts started racing through my head.

"Yeah, um, I'm on my way." i said shakily.

Ashlee gave me a confused look as i hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

"He has something to tell me and wants me to go to the store.." i informed her.

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why you're so worked up." she tilted her head.

"I don't know. He.. he just sounded really upset." i sighed.

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No, it's okay, i think i should go alone." i shook my head.

"Well okay, i'll be here."

And with that i walked out the door and headed to my car.

Once i got in and started the engine, i took a deep breath and drove off.

What could it be?

What if he has another girlfriend?

What if he just doesn't want to be with me?

So many thoughts were racing through my head.

I pulled up to the store in what felt like hours, with my heart pounding.

I walked in and saw Tyler. He was the only one in the store, everyone was probably in the back or something.

"Hey.." i walked towards him.

"Hey, uh.." he searched for the words to say.

"What's wrong?" i put my arm around him.

"Well, uh, i have to go on tour soon.." he looked down.

"Oh. Wait.. like a world tour?" i furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah.. meaning i probably can't see you until it's over. Unless you come with us, but would you really want to do that? I mean, it's going to be for a few months, maybe a year. And you would have to leave everything behind, i mean like Ashlee and your friends and family and stuff.." he trailed off.

"Well.. uh.. I'd love to go. Ashlee and i can facetime and stuff like that, and my parents, well i barely see them anyways, i doubt they would mind. But do you really want me going? Like won't i be a distraction or something? I really don't want to distract you from your career." i tried to process things.

"You wouldn't be a distraction. I'm positive i want you to go, but i don't wanna force you or anything. You don't have to go if you really don't want to. It's okay." he assured me.

"I do wanna go." i nodded.

"Really? Okay." he smiled.

"I need to tell Ashlee.. and pack. When are you leaving?"

"Next week. We're leaving." he reminded me.

"Yeah, okay, i have time." i smiled.

"Did Ashlee ever see that vine?" he grinned.

"Oh my god, no! Well, I don't think so. She hasn't said anything to me about it." I started laughing, remembering the previous nights events.

"Speaking of Ashlee, she's at your house or what?"

"Oh shit, yes, I forgot!"

"Well do you wanna go tell her now? I'll go with you." he asked.

"Yeah, lets go." I said as Tyler walked towards the back to tell the guys he was leaving.

We got in my car and left back to my house.

A/N: smh late ass update lol sorry but yeahhhh

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