Chapter 9

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Alexia's (Point of view) :

I slowly wake up remembering what Blayne and I done yesterday. I look beside of me and see him peacefully sleeping. He looks so innocent and harmless in his sleep. I smile and walk to the bathroom and do my morning routine. It only consists of a shower, hair, mascara, clothes, and then I brush my teeth.

I quietly make my way out of our bedroom making sure not to wake Blayne up. Then I walk down to the kitchen and see that nobody is here. Good. I am going to make my mate some breakfast.

I walk to the fridge and grab eggs, sausage, bacon, cream, biscuits, and some fruit.

"Hello Ms. Luna, do you need Andy help?" I hear a girl ask me.

"No I don't need any help but thanks for asking." I reply.

She walks out of the kitchen and I start to cook.

When I get everything done I make two plates and put two cups of juice on a tray and then look for a maid. I do not want to take the chance of dropping and spiking the food on the way to our room. I finaly see a girl cleaning in the foyer.

"Hello. Um... Could you maby Cary this tray up to our room so that I won't spill it?" I ask a bit embarrassed.

"Of coarse, I would be happy to Luna Alexia." She reply and takes the tray from my hands.

We walk to the room and I tell her that she can go back to her business and I walk into the bedroom. I see Blayne asleep. I sit the food on the dresser and go wake him up.

"Blayne I mad you some breakfast." I say a bit loudly so he hears me.

"It smells good." He says scareing me.

"I thought that you were asleep." I say.

"No I was just laying here with my eyes closed. I was about to get up though because you weren't in here." He says sitting up.

I take the tray over and I sit beside of Blayne with the tray in front of us.

"This looks good." He says grabbing a plate.

"I hope it's good. I really tried but I am not the best at cooking." I say getting mine as well.

We sit and eat and then a made takes our trays down to the kitchen while Blayne takes a shower. I sit down in the window seal and look at the pack property. By now it is around time for the other members to start waking. I look at the edge of the trees when I hear someone yell. I see a rogue and gasp.

I run down to the living room and hear everyone discussing how a rogue pack is plannin to attack in about two hours. I look everywhere and I can't find Blayne.

I go back up to our room and look for my phone but I feel someone grab me. It isn't Blayne and I know this because they are hurting me.

"Stop why are you doing this?" I scream as I feel the person hit me on the head and then drop me.

I fall to the ground and see the person calling someone.

The last thing I hear is, "I have the Luna, we need to get out of here before they notice she is gone." And then I black out.

Thanks for reading. This isn't a very good chapter. But I am currently sitting in science bored so I figured that I will write this. Support if your likening my story so far. Until next time.

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