Chapter 12

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"Goodnight, love. I'll be here when you wake up." Elijah says as he kisses my cheek.

"You've said that before..." I whisper, not able to say it out loud.

Daniel had really scared me. We don't know where he is or if he'll be back. I hope he's gone forever. I never wanna see him again.

"Don't worry. I've got Drew looking out for you. He's in the woods back there. Close enough to get here quickly if there's any danger."

"Alright." I nod.

Drew is a cool guy. I haven't seen him since we went out to dinner and he served us. Maybe this will give me a chance to ask him about Elijah and Daniel.

I open the door and turn around one last time but Elijah is already gone.

I am slowly starting to hate this house. It's too big, dark, and somewhat scary for me. It's also pretty empty.

I shiver. It's really cold here. I feel around for the light switch. Why did the maid have to turn all the lights off? I wonder where she went.

The lights click on and I kind of jump back a little. I was definitely not the one who turned them on.

I feel that weird goosebump like shiver feeling going down my back. I'm not the only one in this room.

My heart starts racing and I'm too scared to turn around.

I close my eyes and hold my breath.

"You can open your eyes." I hear a deep raspy voice say.

I open my eyes and jump back when I realize who it is.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"What are you doing here Daniel?" I whisper. "Where's Drew?"

"I came to appologise. What I did was wrong and I didn't really think about what I was doing before I did it. It just sort of happened." He says, moving closer.

"I said, where's Drew? What did you do to him?"

My heart starts racing. I'm alone with the vampire that tried to kill me and Elijah said that Drew would be here to protect me but he's not here.

"He's outside. I told him I only wanted to talk to you."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want you to come with me." he tries to take my hand.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. You tried to kill me! Do you really expect me to trust you?" I yell, surprised at my sudden outburst. Stupid vampire mind control.

"I'm not using it right now. I just want you to give me a day. I wanna prove to you how sorry I am. At the end of the day, if you still want me to leave, I'll leave forever." he begs, taking a hold of both my hands.

My mind is telling me to scream so Drew can help me but my heart seems to want a Daylee moment.

What? I did not just come up with our ship name. This is so not happening. What is wrong with me.

I continue this small argument in my head for a few seconds until I realize Daniel is still staring at me.

"Please?" he pouts.

I didn't know it was possible for someone as hot as Daniel to become even better looking when pouting.

Wow Kaylee. You're really pushing it. I can not believe I'm about to agree to this.

"Fine." Daniel starts smiling. "But under one condition..."

"Anything, I'll do anything." he quickly promises.

"No weird freaky vampire mind control."

"No mind control, got it."

Daniel takes my hand and leads me out the door to his car.

I don't know why I agreed to this. I shouldn't even have thought twice before screaming for Drew's help.

All I know is that I had this urge to kiss Daniel when he stepped closer to me while practically begging for forgiveness.

A/N: I know it's short. Please don't hate me. I couldn't find a good way to end the longer version of this chapter so I'm gonna add it to the next one and make it longer than any of the chapters I've written. I promise.

If you're still reading this book I wanna thank you. Not a lot of people are patient enough to wait for my updates. Also, thanks for all your nice comments. I see them all. I just can't reply to them from my tablet. I love you

How about a Q&A at the end of the next chapter? Send in your questions to my kik: VanessaV28

Also, if you ever need to talk you can kik me. I'm always here.

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