Chapter 4

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                                                                                      (Shane's POV)

I'm so nervous. What will Lisa think about this? *hears footsteps coming* "Hey Shane" "Hey" "So What did you want to tell me?" Should I tell her? Yes I will tell her "Lisa..... I like you hell I love you" I TOLD HER! What is she going to do? "Shane you like me?" "YES I loved you ever since we met and will never stop" "Shane I love you too..." REALLY! " a friend" DAMN IT! "I'm taken already I'm sorry" "I know its ok I'm sorry I wasted your time" "Its ok" "Do you need a ride home?" "No my car is right here" "Oh I'll take you to it" *takes her to her car* "thanks talk to you later I guess" "okay bye" "bye"

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