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                  I woke up to a slam of books fall on my desk.

"Mitchell am I boring you" Mr. hoying said

"No sir sorry" I said.

"You can see me after class" Mr. Hoying said

"Yes sir" I said.

Some kid stared giggling. Shit just what I need. Some girl stared flirting with Mr. Hoying almost every girl had a crush on Mr. hoying he is HOT but I don't think he's gay :(

Class was over and the bell rang I walk up his desk.

"Mitchell why are you falling asleep in my class" Mr. hoying said

"I don't know" I lied

"You know you can tell me right" Mr. hoying said.

"You don't understand" I said

"I have been in your shoes I was the only gay person in my school to" Mr. Hoying said

What the fuck he's gay omg.

"Really" I said.

"Yeah I just don't tell people because they treat me different" Mr. Hoying said

"Thank you for telling me I wont tell anyone if you don't tell anyone what I am going tell you right now" I said.

"Okay" Mr. Hoying said.

"Umm s-so I umm cut myself" I said soon wanting to take them back.

"Mitch why " Mr. Hoying said ran from his desk to hug me.

"I don't know it makes me feel good" I said hugging him back I felt a tear fall down my face.

"Let me see please" Mr. Hoying said letting go of me.

I pulled my sleeves there where fresh I just stared Monday (Today is Friday).

"How long have you ben doing this" Mr. Hoying said.

"A week" I said trying to crying.

"Does your mom know" He said

"She kicked me out Sunday" I said.

"Where have you been staying" He said 

"With my drunk dad who kicked me out last night" I said stilling crying a little

"Well where are you staying now" He said

"Street" I said.

"You can stay with me" He said.

"No I cant I have to go bye" I said wipping my face and walking fast to the door as soon as I got into the hallway I ran to the door and ran outside. Avi and Kevin where outside waiting for me shit.

"Hey come here" Avi said

"What's up boy lover" Kevin said.

"Leave me alone" I said

Scott's POV

Omg what the fuck am I going to do I am the only one who cares for Mitch. I did some work and thought a lot about what I should do it was 1 hour after Mitch left okay I am going to go home. I grabbed my stuff and head out.

I walked out the door. Mitch was laying on the side of he schools stairs.

"Mitch" I said running to his side.

"H-help" He whispered he was covered in blood and bruises.

I picked him up and ran to my car I put him in the seat and put the seat belt on him. I drove to my house I picked him up again and cared him to my couch. I ran to my kitchen and grabbed a cloth and water. I ran back over to him and cleaned his face up.

"Who did this to you" I said.

"Where are we and Avi and Kevin beat me up when I ran out of your class I'm sorry" Mitch said weak.

"Its okay and why did they do this to you" I said.

"because I'm a fagot and I am ugly" Mitch said a tear went down his face I put my hand on his cheek and whipped it away.

"Your not ugly" I said. I sat down next to him he hugged me.

"I'm am so sorry for being rude to you, you where trying to help and I am not use to that" Mich said.

"Its okay you can still stay here if you want" I said.

My room mate walked out of her room.

"Omg what happened to him" Kirstie said.

"I thought you said you where gay" Mitch said.

"I am she's my room mate" I said.

"Hello what happened" Kirstie said.

"He got beat up" I said.

"Why" Kirstie said

"Because I am gay" Mitch said.

"Well fuck them nothing wrong with be gay" Kirstie said.

"Watch your mouth" I said

"Sorry" Kristie said

"So is it okay if he stay with us" I said.

"Yes of course" Kirstie said

"Thank you so much" Mitch said

"No problem" Kirstie and I said the same time.

"Twins" I said. Mitch smiled.

"Okay so I will show you around" I said.

I helped him up we walked to the Kitchen.

"Here's the kitchen you can eat what ever just not Kirstie's cake or ice cream" I said.

Mitch giggled. He is so cute when he giggles.

I showed him all over the house.

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