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                  (Mitch POV) "What do you want watch" Scott said.

"I don't care what about something scary" I said.

"Umm ok" Scott said.

I sat down he put in the movie I could not help to look at his butt.

"Are you looking at my butt" Scott said giggling.

"Umm uh No" I lied.

"Sure..." Scott said.

He sat down next to me I put my legs on his lap He put him arm around me.

"What are you doing the front door is like right are" I said.

Scott stared laughing all the sudden the light went off.

"What was that" Scott said.

"Did you do that" I said.

"No I was right here the hole time" Scott said.


"Scottie what was that" I said

"I don't know Mitchie" Scott said

I put my face in his side.

"BOO" Kirstie yelled.

Me and Scott jumped.

"AHH" Scott and I said

She turned the lights back on.

"You guys are so easy" Kirstie said.

"Whatever" Scott said.

"I going out with some friends see you late tomorrow" Kirstie said walking out the door.

"Do you want to watch the rest of this" Scott said.

"Not really" I said.

"Do you want so ice cream" Scott said

"Yes please I'm going to change into some sweatpants be right back" I said.

"Ok" Scott said walking into the kitchen

I walked into my room and grabbed some sweatpants and put them on.

Scott was sitting on the couch I walked over there but I tripped and land in Scott's lap. He cot my head before it fell in the couch. I looked his beautiful blue eyes. His face got closer and closer to mine. Are lips where bally touching my eye where closed in put my on his cheek and pulled his lips to mine. Are lip moved perfectly together. We stopped for air.

"You have really pretty brown eyes"  Scott said.

"You have really pretty blue eyes" I said.

I got up and sat next to him. He got the blanket next to him and put over us.

"Here yours ice cream" Scott said handing me a small tub.

"Thanks" I said kissing him on the cheek

(1 Hour later)

"Goodnight" I said walking into my room

"Goodnight" Scott said.

(2 Hours later)

(In a dream)


"You have to go I cant have a gay boy in my house any more" My mom said.

"Mommy" I said.

"GET OUT FAGOT" My mom said

"Mommy no please I'll be better" I said.


"MOM PLEASE STOP" I said I stared to cry.


I started running and didn't look back. I brock down on a bench.


"Mitchie please wake up" Scott said.

I hugged him and started crying into his chest.

"It was just a dream" Scott said.

"No it not my mom kicked me out she said she would call the cops she said I cant be her son because I'm gay" I said.

"Its going to be ok I will take care of you" Scott said.

"Why, why are you doing this I'm just one gay kid" I said.

"Because I-I love you" Scott said

"..." Me

"I'm sorry shouldn't said tha-" Scott said than I cut him off with a kiss.

"I love you to" I said.

He smiled.

I moved over so he could lay down.

He kissed my cheek and put his arms waist pulling me closer to him.

"Good" Scott said.

I fell asleep in his arms again :)

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