Facts about twilight you might not know

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1. It took Rosalie two years from her transformation to even become reluctantly assimilated to vampire life.

2. The characters of Emily, Heidi, Paul, Seth and Jacob are all named after S.M. siblings.

3. The Volturi purposely circulated myths about vampires, such as burning in the sun and turning into bats, so that they would never truly be discovered.

4. The entire saga takes place throughout just two years.

5. Dakota Fanning read the entire series in one week.

6. Over the whole twilight series, there are over twenty-four minutes of staring.

7. Bella and Edward's relationship in twilight meets all fifteen criteria set by the National Domestic Violence Hotline for being an abusive relationship.

8. Twilight was rejected by fourteen publishers before finally getting published.

9. Rosalie and Jasper Hale, who look alike, are passed off as Esme's twin orphaned cousins.

10. Vladimir and Stefan of the Romanian Coven had mates during their reign.

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