part 14

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She beamed at me and began crying
"I missed you where's mummy and daddy" she snuffled hugging me.

*flash back *
She was crying as the cart smashed onto the ground and all I heard was screaming and sirens I stated at my parents body's laying limply out of the cart blood on both of their faces .
"MELANIE WHERE ARE YOU " I yelled as she shrieked her voice seemed to be coming from no where as I couldn't hear over the crying and sirens.
I held up my hand and noticed a massive peice of glass jammed into my arm I stared at and screamed at the sight of the rich dark red blood dripping down my bruised and scratches and I blacked out . I couldn't see anything all I could hear were mutterings around me .
"Female age 7 Laicelina Valentine one sibling only two survivers" said her female voice .
"The other" asked a male voice this time much deeper .
"Female age 3 Melanie valentine one sibling Asleep maybe a comma undecided " she said . I felt tears slide down my cheeks where was my sister.

Back now.

"Their gone " I whispered and felt my own tears water.
"Are you going to look after me now" she asked .
"I can't I'm only 12 I've been adopted by Zoe and Alfie you will stay here " j explained as her jaw dropped.
"Zoella and pointless blog?" She asked slowly.
"Yes do you know them " I asked.
"Yes I watch them sometimes can they adopt me ?" She asked me .
"I don't know but if I ask Julie maybe she will let you come round for a sleepover" I offered and she nodded and hugged me tightly as we walked over to Julies office.

"Hello Julie we wanted to know If mel can come round for s sleepover? " I asked. Her jaw dropped " of course not she dosent even know them" she gasped and grabbed melanie quickly.
"I do I watch them on YouTube" melanie said walking back Obe to me and holding my hand.
"Fine go get your stuff ready drop her back at 5.00 tommorow" she sighed.
I grinned and ran upstairs to help.
We ran all the way back to zalfie and melanie hid behind me acting shy now.
"Zoe alfie " I called out as is stepped inside.

"Hello now who is this" Zoe asked crouching down and looking at melanie she gasped .
"She looks just like you are you sisters" she asked in a serious tone.
"Yes she is in the child home" I said.
"Wow alfie come here " she called out as alfie came in and I explained that I want her to sleep over tonight.
"Of course you will have to sleep in your bed but at least it's a double bed " Zoe said smiling . I ran upstairs with melanie and helped her get into her pyjamas as it was 7.00 and she said she goes sleep at 8.00.
" I'm tired " she said sleepy yawning her eyelids drooping as well.
I tucked her in and hugged her "good night mel" I said smiling and went downstairs. Alfie had already gone to sleep but Zoe was still up.

"Lace I need to speak to you" she beckoned me with her finger
"Yes zo"
"Well me and alfie have talked and wanna know if would you mind if we adopted melanie as well" she asked "as she us your sister and we don't want to separate you" she explained.
I hugged her " thankyou Zoe I would love it if you adopted her " I grinned before going to sleep .

Adopted By ZalfieWhere stories live. Discover now