Day 1, 3-7-16

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To whom it may concern,

Today was okay I guess you can say...
Well... here we go

I have one favorite teacher. Her name is Mrs.L (Lincoln) and she is awesome but she's very,VERY laid back and she won't get onto anyone for anything. Buy today she wrote someone up
I don't know who but she did for getting on her teacher computer and search asdfmovie 1-8 and we'll he started crying and all that what I heard at least... she really doesn't care what I do as long as it's "school appropriate". Well then there's this girl Carson we went out in 6th grade but then she broke up with me and she hated me ever sense and she keeps going at it with me trying to get back but after all she has done I'm NEVER getting back with her again just to make that clear NEVER cause she says crap about me that isn't true like one time she said that I was a total screw up and I was never met to be here and we'll yeah she's mean so there's this girl I like I asked her out a while back she said no but we're still friends and I sit with her at lunch but it's all good but she loves to get sassy sometimes to other people and likes to say what she's gonna do if this happens but of corse... It never happens oh and her name is Katty and she is REALLY nice but I this this is it today and yeah see you tomorrow!!!

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