Your Finally Legal [Kenneth Nixon Faming Hanley]

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"Baby come on please. . I just want to . . your ooh ahhh god!!!" moaned, Kenneth. He grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. I was tickling him and quite frankly I was winning. "Shit come on!!"

I started laughing, he grabbed my hands and pinned me over to the ground while I panted trying to catch my lost breathe. God this was funny. Kenneth happen to be my best friend and I really loved him. Oh yeah btw get your minds out of the gutters! We weren't doing anything sexual!

"You deserve that! I told you not to keep calling me Kitty boo boo!" I taunted, poking him with my leg. He laughed in response and hugged me close.

"I cant help it the look on your face is priceless." he chirped.

I shook my head in disapproval but he just smirked at me. I pushed him off me, brushing off my clothing to remove any dirt off my shirt. I took hold of my bag, throwing it over my shoulder.

"Where you going?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

"You sir have band practice and I sir have classes." I replied, smarty just to piss him off.

That was mine and his relationship, not what I had in mind but it will have to do. He growled at me before taking hold of my waist pulling me into him. I sighed softly to my self as he brought his lips down to mine.

"Don't play games. . . I want you now. . " he whispered softly, kissing down to my neck softly. "Kidding!!"

He left go of me before ushering my out of the door mumbling I am going to be late or something. I shook my head, why did he have to do that. I get you want to be friends well excuse me then don't kiss me! I growled softly to my self before running down to my car. I was pissed how he could just brush his lips against mine and make me all disoriented. He was confusing, what he wanted. He was dragging me along to because he was confusing me. My emotions were already flustered and he was not helping. I didn't have time to think about this it was time I went to class. I shook my head before driving off to class.

~English Class~

Hurry. . Run. . .What are you doing?! The young woman groaned in response to her inner voice demanding an answer. She was moving quickly as she could. She also knew very well she wouldn't be able to out run him for much longer. He was hot on her trail. The scent from the sweat body, exposing her position rather quickly. How was she suppose to know that he would come tonight?

"You cant run from me forever. . give in now." whispered, a gentle but stern voice through the wind. "Give in. I will get you in the end."

That is what you think, thought the young woman to her self. She grabbed the perfume from her bag before rubbing it onto the tree. She fastened her arms around the long rope dangling from the tree branch. She swung her self across dim lit forest. Escaping him was impossible but distracting him not so much. The perfume would confuse him only for mere minutes. Before he was able to find the difference she had to find shelter.

"I didn't think you would be that stupid, bad kitty." sang, the gentle voice through the young woman's head. "I will get you yet my dear."

Your Finally Legal [Kenneth Nixon Faming Hanley]Where stories live. Discover now