Chapter 1

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It was a normal morning when I woke up. But I could tell this would shape to be an more than just any old day. 

I jumped out of bed, and walked over to my closet. Ignoring the designer clothes my mom had placed in my wardrobe, I picked out a pair of light blue jeans and a dark yellow silk top. I put on the clothes, and went to my vanity. I sat down on the plush seat, and opened a drawer.

I took out a hairbrush, and starting brushing my short brown hair. No matter how hard I tried to brush it, my stupid hair would never be tame. I took after my father that way.

As I was brushing my hair, my fingers traced over a scar on the side of my neck that my hair (thankfully) covered. I quickly dropped the brush, and let my hair swing over the scar. I sighed a breath of relief. Perfect.

"Olivia!" my mother called. "Breakfast time!" I quickly tied my hair into a ponytail, and rushed downstairs to breakfast.

When I got down to the kitchen, I found my mother standing over the stove, stirring something brown and gooey. I just stared. My mother never cooked. Ever. What was happening? I wondered. My mother turned around, saw me, and smiled.

"Olivia, sweetie!" she gushed, and kissed my forehead. As she did, I noticed a new diamond ring on her finger. I started to panic. This was not happening right now.

"Moom,"  I said slowly, "Why is there a ring on your finger?" My mom stopped, then smiled. Uh oh. I knew this wouldn't be good. And I was right.

"Oh this old thing?" she giggled.

"It's my engagement ring, Max proposed last night." she said, her eyes shining. Let's stop here for a minute. Max is my mom's icky boyfriend. They've been dating for three years, and to be honest, I think he's really creepy. He's always creeping around the house, and stealing things. As you can imagine, I didn't take this news so well.

"WHAT?!??!" I yelled. Okay, I admit I MAY have been overreacting. But Max would be becoming my..... stepdad?? The thought was too unbearable. The mere idea of him offering fatherly advice was enough to make me puke. 

My mom stopped and stared at me.

"I thought you would be happy for me," she said sadly. I felt bad, but I was too wrapped up in my own troubles to care.

"Max is a damn idiot! I can't believe you want to marry him! Can't you see what he's after? The money!" As I said this I gestured around at the rich, luscious surroundings. I couldn't believe her. Couldn't she see that Max only wanted our money??

"Whatever Mom, I'm going to school." I snapped. I grabbed my school bag that had been packed for me.

"Go hang out with your stupid boyfriend. Just don't come crying to me when we have no money and have to starve on the streets" I huffed. I stomped out the door, ignoring my mom's calls behind me.

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