Chapter one Snow

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I looked out at the glistening white blanket before me. Nothing seemed to disturbed the stillness of the cool night. I took a deep breath in catching a small hint of pine trees and snow,this was by far the most freshen air I had smelled  since I had fallen down into the underground. Though I had throughly enjoyed my time with mom, I wanted to explore and see what all there was to be seen. I remembered how pained she look to see me go, but I had promised I would keep in touch with the phone she gave me. I loved her too much too leave her alone in the ruins. I looked out at the snow again, slowly I took a step hearing a satisfactory crunch  of the crisp snow. I felt a smile warm my face and I then retreated my foot before jumping fully into the snow. I collapsed into the soft white magic and began to make a snow angel. Oh how I enjoyed the snow, so soft and beautiful. I giggled at my own silliness as I stood back up brushing the snow off my sweater mom had made me. I looked up and saw a path winding just a little ways out and decided I'd play in the snow later after I explore. I made my way through the snow giggling and kicking up clumps of snow. As I neared the path I saw a small wooden bride that made its way over a small stream, I sped up pace eager to venture more into the winter wonder land this was. I thought back to the above ground and remembered how it rarely snowed and the dreams of a white Christmas, I smiled at the thought I could spend Christmas with mom in the ruins. A loud snap from behind me shook me from my thoughts, I quickly turned,scanning the tree line that ran next to the path. I looked down at the snow only seeing my own footsteps. I sighed in relief and brushed it off as an stray animal. I continued only to here another snap, I quipped around and was greeted by a figure stand behind me, it wasn't very tall maybe 5'2 or 5'3. I could barley make it out for a shadow had pasted over where it stood. I felt my heart stop as I stared at it, my hands trembling. I heard a warm chuckle and a soothing voice broke the silence.
"Is that anyway to meet a pal?" He chuckled again stepping closer and I could make out he wore a warm blue hoodie with fur around the hood and black gym shorts and faded,clearly worn pink slippers. What stood out the most was he was a skeleton. I swallowed and watched as he chuckled again.
"Wow, I must of chilled you to the Bone." I couldn't help but laugh at his stupid pun, I had always had a weakness for stupid jokes. He out stretched a boney hand and smiled.
"Names sans. I'm suppose to be on watch for humans for my brother but what can I say, I'm just lazy bones." I giggled again and went to shake his hand when I heard distant yelling.
"Sans! Sans! Brother where are you?" I looked toward the direction it was coming from and I looked curiously back at sans. He smiled and grabbed my hand.
"Hey come hind behind this rock okay? My brother is trying to hunt humans so just stand here." I nodded and stood next to the conveniently good sized rock. A taller Skelton about 6'1 came up to sans and groaned. He wore a white a or top with a red scarf wrapped around his neck long black pants that ended with bright red boots and he wore matching gloves of the same color.
"Sans! I told you to stay at your post and watch for humans!" Sans shrugged and looked up at him.
"Sorry papyrus I guess I got bonely." Papyrus groaned and shook his head. I tried to stifle my laugh but fail. I fell to the ground laughing. The tall skeleton noticed me and gasped. Sans looked and saw me laughing and just smiled.
"Oh my goodness brother is that a human?!"sans frowned and just shrugged.
"Nope that's a rock."
"But what's that next to it?" Papyrus looked at me as I froze in place.
"Oh my god it's a human" Sans I finally did it!Ill be so popular!"the skeleton then cleared his throat and stood a little taller before speaking.
"HUMAN I THE GREAT PAPYRUS HERE STOP YOU! I WILL CAPTURE YOU AND DELIVER YOU TO THE CAPTAIL!NHYE HYENHYE HEY HEYE HYE!" With that papyrus fixed his cape and adjusted it so it caught the wind.
"Now if you continue forward you will face your doom!" Papyrus them flapped his scarf and ran off. I stood there for a minute processing what happened when sans placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey don't sweat it kid, he's just going to make you do some puzzles so just figure them out and then it will be all good." I looked at him as he began walking in the way his brother had ran off to. He shoved his hands in his pocket and looked back again.
"You comin'?" I nodded and caught up to him. He looked me up and down before focusing back on the path.
"You don't talk much do you?" I laughed as I kicked up some snow.
"I talk...I'm just adjusting to the whole skeleton thing." He seemed alittle surprised that I spoke but he smiled.
" I guess you could say I'm chilled at the thought." He laughed at my pun and looked at me.
" I think we'll get along just fine. I mean it's ice make pun with someone." I laughed causing my side to hurt, but in a good way. Oh this was definitely someone I need to get to know better
After talking and walking down the path with sans we finally caught up with papyrus who was trying to hide a lever in the snow. He noticed us and moved quickly.
"Ah so human you choose to continue and face the great papyrus? Then so be it! I present to you my puzzle! No can figure out my amazing puzzle for I am the great papyrus!" I smiled at the skeletons enthusiasm and went to work at his master puzzle smiling and giggling the whole time.  Sans just watched with a wide grin as his brother laughed and squealed as the puzzle perplexed me.

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