Chapter three feelings

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I snatched my hoodies from (y/n) and ran off. I ran upstairs and slammed the door. Idiot! What am I doing hiding in here? She probably thinks I'm mad at her! I slunk down in front of the door, my thoughts swimming and stirring. I panicked when I saw her. The way my shirt fit her, I remembered my face heating up quickly and I just couldn't think straight. Like I just got hit by a brick and I was dazed, she looked so cute just standing there. The thought brought a warm smile to my face. My chest dropped at the thought,did I really have feeling for her? I couldn't. I sighed standing I shoved my hands in my pockets and began to pace my room. As I paced I began to smell flowers and a hint of butterscotch..I sniffed again the scent was there but I couldn't place the source. I then stopped remembering last night when I had covered (y/n) up with my hoodie. I slowly risked my hoodie sleeve and sniffed it, and instantly was greeted with the smell of flowers and butterscotch. I wanted to melt, the smell was just too good. I felt my face heat up again as I realized I was obsessing over a simple smell. But it wasn't just a smell it was her smell, again I pulled my hoodie to my skull taking a deep breath. I collapsed on to my bed my hoodie over face just taking in the smell. I froze when I heard a knock on the door.the door gently opened and I saw (y/n) peek in. I realized I still had the hoodie up to my face and I quickly put it on before she noticed what I was doing.
"Sans?" I looked over at her and saw she seemed worried.
"Are you ok? You kinda hightailed out of the kitchen pretty quickly..papyrus asked me to make sure you were okay."she came in coming closer. I felt my cheeks softly heat up again as I saw her in my shirt and shorts, luckily she didn't seem to notice. I rubbed my arm nervously looking away.
"Oh...I just.. It's hard to explain kiddo.."she took a seat next to me on the bed causing the bed to dip a bit. i turned back to her, her (e/c) looked at me with concern and her soft (h/c) had fell in her face,but she didn't seem to care. again i felt my cheeks warm up, we were so close.. only inches apart.if i could only just brake the space between us...but i didn't have the confidence to. i must of spaced out because i heard (y/n) call my name.

"sans? hey are you okay?" i snapped back looking at her she had gotten closer,i could feel my soul pounding, my breath felt heavy. oh god...she as too cute. i opened my mouth to speak but words didn't form. Tongue was like a dead weight in my mouth,i could feel my face heat up even more as i saw her give me a curious look. she reached out and touched my hand to try to get my attention. i panicked again.

"I HAVE TO GO!" I shot up and ran past her, out the door into the white snow. i ran for a while before i stopped, catching my breath. what was that? she definitely thinks i'm mad at her. i looked out at the snow, watching as the small flurries fell from above..what was i doing?running away from the problem never solved anything. i shook my head sighing,i began to walk back home.

i opened the door shivering slightly from the cold,I looked around for papyrus and (y/n) but they weren't anywhere. i went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of ketchup and found a note on the fridge

SANS, I have no clue why you're acting so strange,but i hope you go back to normal soon. Any way i went out to the store to get more pasta! the human went to asleep in the guest room, so yo and the human will be alone. i'll be back soon~THE GREAT PAPYRUS and (Y/N)

I read the note popping open a bottle of ketchup, nearly spitting out my ketchup as i read the last part. i ripped the paper off the fridge reading it again. ALONE???! oh god this is not what i wanted.

"at least shes asleep..."i mumbled to myself. i crumpled up the paper throwing it behind me. i grabbed a new bottle and made my way to my room. As i made my way to my room i stopped in front of the guest room listening. i didn't hear anything so i figured she was out. i shuffled past pushing into my room. i collapsed into my bed sighing heavily. this is not how i wanted my day to go but it did anyway. i relaxed more slowly slipping into sleep.


i walked through the snow, not really going anywhere in particular. i snapped my attention right when i heard someone yell. i curiously walked over to some bushes where the sound came from. i popped through the bushes spotting my brother. he stood his arms wide open and i could distinctly hear papyrus talking, I went to step out to see what was up when I heard the ring of maltalic metal hitting bone. I froze watching as my brother's head fell to the snow below.  I jumped out of the bushes running to papyrus screaming his name.
"PAPYRUS!" I saw his body limply fall, it beginning to fade into nothing.i dropped in the snow reaching out as the last of papyrus faded leaving nothing but his scarf...I screamed once more tears streaming down my face, I clutched the scarf in my hands screaming out his name. I then felt a hand on my shoulder,I turned but their face was nothing but a fuzz through the tears,I felt more tears stream down my cheeks.
I awoke suddenly my eyes and hands a blaze I felt the warm tears rolled down my face as I sobbed my eye sockets out. I then felt a gentle hand on my arm, I shot back throwing the hand aside  I sat back breathing heavy ready to lash out when I realized it was just (y/n).she had a mixture of fear and worry on her face.
"Sans are you o-okay?....I heard you yelling so I came to see if you were ok.."I sniffed rubbing my face. I felt a little better that she was here making sure I was ok.
"I-I'm fine.. Just a little nightmare that's all...." Her eyes seemed to soften a bit. She came forward hugging me. I didn't object I needed this right now,it felt good.she rubbed my back gently.
"I have nightmares too.."

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