the clans

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You were souring threw the sky's with long beautifully wings but your wings were made of water not feathers. You could feel the breas on your face as you sour to the heavens... "Aqua can you please get a pale of water before you go to school?!" Your mother voice cracked. You snapped back to reality and lifted yourself off the couch. Was something wrong? maybe I should check. You take a step towards the stairs....
n-no.....She likes to be alone with these kind of things. You didn't talk much so you made a few bubbling sounds in response grabbed your jacket and snow hat before you went outside. You open your front door to the cold. the freezing wind rushed against your face making you flinch. You could see your own breath you emediantly try to grab it because you have never seen anything like it. the water on the back of your head rippled nervously at the odd weather.

You take a step outside to here the snow crunch under your feet it was freezing! I'd better hurry. You take your first couple steps then sprint towards the well. The snow seemed to pick up. Weird you lived in the water clan it almost never snowed. You look up at the black and gray sky. Maybe its smoke? this experience was new to you it filled you with curiosity,determination and fear.
To most people it would have looked like The world was ending but to others it would look like just the beginning.

You expected to hear the usual sounds of nature the bird's chirping water rushing past you and the leaves rustling in the wind but it seemed like time froze the only sound you could hear was your own breathing and the pounding of your feet on the grey ground.

You look up and down The street there wasn't a single person out. A light flickered in the distance. Creepy. You look threw the Windows of a shop near your house it seemed abandoned you then walked around the corner to the door and jiggled the nob. it was locked. determined I look threw the windows of a house near by. Checking threw the Windows for any signs of life. You got......nothing. all of the doors where ether locked or broken in. You couldn't find anyone any were. You begin to panic.

Is anyone alive?! Are they all dead?! They can't be died Aqua you just saw your mother if anything was up she would tell you right?! right?!

the water on your head lay silent signaling you were sad. you checked the entire town you couldn't see anyone maybe they are all died maybe... Fresh Walter tears stream down your face... they abandoned you? You hated the thought of being alone and abandoned it made you feel.............depressed and scared at the same time. Your whole life you were surrounded by people except now it seemed everyone on earth has vanished in a swift blink. You fall to your knees cover you face in your hands and cry the hardest you have in your life. You weren't able to call for anyone the only way you can communicate is the way your water rippled.

You thought heard the pounding of feet behind you. Was some one following you? The snow no whatever it was became powerful drowning out the sound. What is going on?! Wiping the tears off your face with your sleeve a twig snapped What seemed like behind you. You leap to your feet nearly tripping. You bolted you didn't care were you were going as long as it wasn't there. You hear feet behind you pressing agents the ground violently. I knew it! Keep going Aqua you will not die like this! You take a sharp right into The forest You push past the all the branches that stood in your way. You leap over a fallen log and hear water splash as you run threw a river.

The crunching of feet followed you hear metal cutting threw wood behind you. Whoever it was they are not friendly. The pounding sound of feet behind seemed to get louder with every second

It abruptly stopped, maybe to abrupt. What was going on?

You would go home but it seemed every way You turned it looked exactly like the last. Why am I out here? Oh yeah to get a pale of water now I'm freezing to death in the middle of the forest common Aqua. Think is there a landmark You could possibly find or should I follow the river? Maybe.......You were interrupted in your thoughts by a strange light in front of a warm fire.

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