4-Beach Day

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4-Beach Day

Imagine you were working on school work all day for your college classes, Paul sat in your sun soaked living room with you reading movie scripts. You know that this will be the last time you two get to spend together for a while, because he is going off to film one of the fast movies soon. He taps your foot with his and you look up from your work.

"What is it?" You ask him

"I was thinking we could go to the beach, you could model that new bikini for me." He says looking into your eyes.

You blush any mention of you modeling things for him, and showing him what he already knows is his always makes your heart flutter.

"Okay." You say getting up off the couch and changing.

Minutes later you arrive at the beach and you both splash around in the water for a little, then Paul stands in front of you as you both float in the water. You hold on to his very tanned shoulders. He leans in and kisses you and his lips taste like salt water from the ocean. He looks into your eyes and what he says next both surprises you and shocks you.

"Your bikini top, take it off for me." He says in his deep husky voice.

You look around to look for any camera men from TMZ hiding on the shore, and the you see if anyone is watching. There are families playing with their children, but no is paying attention right now.

"Only for you." You say

You slowly untie your bikini top and let it float in the water.

Paul's blue eyes sparkle with mischief. "I love you baby."

You smile and then lean into kiss him. "I'm yours forever."

You wonder now how you could have gotten so lucky how god blessed you with this incredible man and this even more amazing moment...

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