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Trevor and Aya sat impatiently in their room. Aya looked at Trevor. He kept rubbing the end on his shirt with two fingers. Aya held her locket in her left hand and had Trevor's hand in her right. Then they both heard a sharp cry come out of the room right by their room. Then a baby's cry trailed out of the room. Aya and Trevor bolted out of their room then waited at the door from where the cries came from. Then a man's terrified yell came from the room. Trevor had been eleven at that time and Aya was eight. Leatherface opened the door. Trevor and Aya were curious so they ran right into the room. They looked on the bed then saw their mother on the bed with a baby in her arms. Except their mothers eyes were closed and Leatherface took the baby out of her arms. Trevor ran up to the bed then poked him mother. "Mom?" Her arm dropped lifelessly to her side falling off the bed. Trevor gasped then Aya ran to her mother. "Mom wake up. The baby is here!" There was no reply so Aya shook her. "Come on wake up!" Aya's smile slowly faded as she realized her mother wasn't gonna wake up. Trevor felt his eyes start to burn. "She isn't gonna wake up Aya." Aya looked at her dad who was holding the baby in his arms. Tears started to fall out of Trevor's eyes. Aya walked over to her dad then stood on a stool and looked at the baby. He had blonde hair that looked like Trevor's except his were curly at the end. Aya smiled a bit then looked at Trevor. He was holding his mother's hand and was crying. Leatherface pointed to a paper he had written. Aya picked up the paper then read it out loud. "His name is Louie." Aya smiled then gave the note to to Trevor. He looked at the note then let go of his mother's hand. He read the note then walked over to Louie and Leatherface. He smiled at Louie then at his father. Leatherface gave the baby to Trevor to hold him. Trevor held Louie then looked at his dad. He was picking up his mothers body. Trevor looked down at Louie. Louie's eyes were closed but he was smiling slightly. Leatherface walked out of the room then went outside in the backyard. Trevor didn't want to ever let go of Louie. He had been eleven at that time and Aya was eight. Louie's eyes slowly opened. They were blue mixed with green. He smiled then closed them. Leatherface came back with dirt all over his clothes. He had buried their mother in the backyard. Trevor loved Louie's smile. "I will protect that smile forever."
(The next day)
Aya had woken up to the cries of Louie. She looked up then saw the time. It was 2:27. Trevor had been sound asleep with earplugs in his ears. Aya groaned then put her pillow over her head. She could still hear the cries of her baby brother. "I need sleep!" She heard the crying stop. She got out of her bed then stepped into the hallway. She saw one room out of the whole house that had a light on. She walked carefully to the room then peeked inside. She saw her dad rocking the cradle they had gotten for Louie back and forth. He had his head rested on his hand. Aya smiled then could feel herself getting sleepy. She walked back to her room then got in bed and went to sleep. Trevor had gotten out of bed then put on his regular clothes. He stepped out of the door onto the porch then felt the cool breeze. It was 9:34 am. He walked off the porch then saw a car that had broken down on the road. He had grabbed his mallet before he left the house. He walked up to the car then looked at the owner. "Do you need any help sir?" The man smiled at Trevor. "Why yes I do. You see here my car broke down and I need someone to give me a little kick start." Trevor nodded like he understood then took out his mallet when the man was looking away. He raised the mallet then swung. The man turned around just in time and saw Trevor swing. He caught Trevor's arm. "What are you doing!" Trevor's eyes widened as the man hit Trevor in his eye with a rock. Trevor yelled in pain then fell back. He opened his eye then saw he no longer able to open one of his eyes. Then the sound of a chainsaw came from the house. Trevor covered his bleeding eye with his hand then backed away. The man yelled in pain then his corpse fell to the ground. Leatherface had stabbed the man through his stomach with his chainsaw. Trevor could feel tears start falling. Leatherface picked Trevor up then ran inside the house. Trevor had blacked out on the side of the street. When he woke up Aya was wrapping bandages over where his eye was supposed to be. He looked at Aya who's eyes looked like they were crying. Leatherface was sitting in a chair holding Louie in his arms. Trevor smiled his family was okay and he was going to be okay

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