I am so sorry Zane (warning sad)

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(Garroth's POV)
It was Zane?! Wait when did he come!! I hear him say," I remember her Sister (S/N), she was really my only best friend back then...Y/n would always play with you guys and us too but when they had to go all of us were broken hearted...I missed Y/n's sister, I actually liked her and Y/n too but as a sister type" I thought Why have I not remembered her, did we really meet each other at one point...Why does my head hurt and why does my heart hurt so bad when Zane said that I then hear Zane say," I still remember when we had that singing contest and when we all used to laugh and jut watch time move so fast...I-I guess I...L-like S/n but that could never happen I am just evil but S/n is too nice and would be depressed to even talk to me I just want my old friend back..." I saw a tear run down his cheek...he really meant it..he missed S/n and I still wonder where Y/n is and why she never told us this. I hugged Zane and I see Aphmau about to cry as well as Zoey but Laurence he was sad but not tearing up I said," I am so sorry Zane I know you probably miss S/n but I do not think you heard of this but...Y/n's old village was attacked and her mother (M/N), her dad (D/N), and her sister (S/n) died while Y/n was trying to protect them and she almost died Zane listen to me......I am so sorry Zane" Zane said," No this is not happening please tell me that you are lying...please" I nodded no that I was not lying then Zane started crying on my shoulders. I saw Aphmau crying as well as Zoey and Laurence..I begun crying then he cried until he fell asleep I picked him up then I put him in a room that was grey and the bed had white sheets with little black crosses, this is Zane's room all right I put him on the bed then found a black cover with a white cross then I tucked him in bed and left to talk to the others. Aphmau said to me,"Garroth I feel so bad for Zane..is he even going to be okay now" I said,"I don't know Aphmau I think Zane would be upset at first but I think that Zane is really sad about S/n" she nodded then Zoey said,"Garroth I think Zane still has a good heart because of S/n, he still has a chance of changing to good but I do not know if S/n is alive...I am so sorry for your past it was not your fault that Y/n's village was attacked you know that right?" I sad sadly,"I just think it is my fault that Y/n's family is dead and I just want to help her and my brother through this...if I could go back in time I would fight with Y/n to save her and her family plus the other people that lived in the village also." Zoey said," Garroth you love Y/n don't you I can tell because you keep blushing and it is when you say or see Y/n" I said while stuttering,"W-what no I d-do n-not I d-do not b-blush w-when I a-am around Y-Y/n" Zoey just chuckled a little then she said,"Sure you don't then why did you stutter then" I said,"Whatever Zoey...okay I do like her just please do not tell her...I want to tell her myself please" Zoey nodded okay then I tried to sleep I just sighed why do I not remember anything from the past at all I felt my eyes leads heavy then I soon only see darkness. I had a flashback and as I saw it I begun to cry.

Begun of Flashback
I danced with Y/n and I see Zane and S/n laughing and playing with each other I hear S/n say," Y/n!!Garroth!!come play with us please Sis!!" I hear Y/n giggled then I blushed a light pink then she held my hand then I hear her say," Come on Garroth lets go" we both ran to then then I hear S/n say," Can you and Garroth be my mom and dad in the game!!" I blushed deep red and Y/n kissed my cheek and she told her sister," Sure" I just fainted and I hear Y/n giggle and laugh.
End of Flashback
I then dreamed about someone kidnapping Zane, S/n, and Y/n then they kept hurting her as well as S/n I heard her scream I wanted to scream to the person to stop hurting my love then I see the person hurt S/n then I hear Zane say," Stop hurting my love stop hurting my crush!!" I was shocked but this was a dream right then the person looked at me then said," You can run but you can never hide" I hear her manically laugh then I suddenly woke up, I was sweaty and also I thought what the person said,"You can run but you can never hide" I see Zane run in and he said," Garroth I had a nightmare and S/n was in it as well as you and Y/n" he looked like he was about to cry then I said," was there a person that said to me that," You can run but you can never hide " Zane nodes and now I thought was this dream really a vision and warning us about the future...I will protect Y/n, Zane, and S/n.

(Zane's POV)
When I heard Garroth said,"I am so sorry Zane I know you probably miss S/n but I do not think you heard of this but...Y/n's old village was attacked and her mother (M/N), her dad (D/N), and her sister (S/n) died while Y/n was trying to protect them and she almost died Zane listen to me......I am so sorry Zane" my heart broke my best friend is dead and my other best friend almost died trying  to protect S/n I never even got to tell her thank you for being my friend...I sort of had a crush on her in the past and I sort of still do but I had so many flashbacks of S/n and I. I said ," No this is not happening please tell me that you are lying...please" I begun to cry, I then hugged him while crying then I cried until I fell asleep. I see S/n and Y/n I ran to S/n and hugged her, she hugged back then I looked at her she had brown hair and pink eyes I said," S/n.......I missed you so much" S/n said," I missed you too Zane " then I had an urge to kiss her then she kissed me I blushed deeply then she pulled away she said," I love you too Zane and I am alive as well as  everyone in our family go and save us as well as Y/n tell the rest go!!"

____________________________________________________________Author~Chan: Hey guys I am so sorry that I have not been updating but I updated today because I thought it would be a great day for it because today is my birthday!!anyways thank you guys so much for 1.5k I am really happy thank you so much!!


Author~Chan:Thank you boys and I got a cat for both of you plus she looks like sprinkles here you go Garroth!!

Garroth: Thank you and you are not mad at us for breaking the forth wall?

Laurence: Yeah you are not mad at us?

Author~Chan: I am mad at you but not as much as putting you two in jail but I will run after you and I will put you in jail tomorrow

Laurence&Garroth: Oh no RUNNNNN!!!!!

Author~Chan: Bye guys see you guys next time or next chapter got to get the boys...boys where are you hehehehehehe~

The saviors of Evil (Garroth x Reader x Laurence x Aaron) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now