As I write this, I come to realize this is my last time ever I am going to talk to you. I don't want to say I have no more associations or anymore connections to you, because I am afraid I am as open to you as the sign that reads so on my forehead. I want to say I didn't expect to lose you, but I imagined it would go something like this. You and I falling apart, and out of each other's lives. I do wish it hadn't been that easy, as what you and I had built was unique, but at the same time like everything I had ever seen. I am not to apologize, as I feel not sorry for ever leaving you, and I feel you are not as well. You decided to go into one path, and I the other, and I feel it should remain that distance. Please, don't ever mention my name. Please, don't speak of or to me unless it is necessary. Please, all I will ever do is hold you back and you hold me back. I won't lie, I do miss our conversations, but I am afraid it wasn't enough for us to hold a proper friendship without you overlooking our tremendous differences. I have changed, and so have you. I respect that, and I feel that it was maybe for the best to let such illusion go, don't you think? I wish I had more to say, but you left before ever getting to actually know me. Why is that? Was I not worth your time? It doesn't matter anymore.
Stay safe.
A. P.

6:02 AM
PoetryJust my innermost thoughts. A lot of these won't really have a meaning, in a way. This is a diary I rather keep to myself, but if expressing myself through words can only be written down on crappy paper and a cheap ball point pen, then I would rathe...