Chapter 6

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The palace's garage was at the far end of the east wing. There was only one door that connected it to the rest of the building, at the end of a long corridor, which Alice led the way down at a fast walk.

"Alice, what are we doing?" said Alex, as he tried to keep up.

"You told me yourself," said Alice. "King Stephen's notebook might be there. So it's definitely worth going to look."

"But how?" said Alex. "He said no. They're not going to let us just take one of the shuttles. And they're too small to make it to the Solar System anyway."

"However we're doing it, it's going to be a lot better than the sitting around here waiting the eggheads think of something," said Ellen, who was buckling on her own sword belt.

"I know. Don't worry," said Alice. "We'll take the yacht."

"Oh, good... What?" said Alex.

"Hi, Corporal Alan," said Alice, as she walked through the door into the control office. The small room's monitor console was covered in status screens showing all of the royal family's vehicles. The palace guard who was sitting behind the desk looked up.

"Oh! Hello, your highness. Prince Alex. Princess Ellen," he said. "What a nice surprise."

"Thanks. It's good to see you too," said Alice. "Is Captain Zachary here yet? We need to get going."

"The captain?" said Corporal Alan, blinking. "No, I haven't seen him..."

"Oh, no. We're going to be late," said Alice. "Has he at least started prepping the yacht?"

"Uh... No, your highness. He hasn't," said Corporal Alan, looking at the screen which showed the status of the royal yacht, which was too large to land at the palace and was kept moored in space above Magenta in low orbit. "Was he meant to?"

"Oh, no! Now we're going to be really late," said Alice. "This is a disaster. It's going to be so embarrassing."

"I... can start the automatic pre-flight sequence from down here, your highness," said Corporal Alan, indicating his console. "I need Captain Zachary's authorisation, but I can do it..."

"Oh. Well, thanks for offering, but that doesn't help if he's not here," said Alice, looking at her watch. "We're never going to make it to Aurora in time for the festival now..."

"The festival?" said Corporal Alan. "The Aurora Flower Festival?"

"Yes. We're meant to be the surprise guest judges. Didn't anyone tell you?" said Alice. "Oh, wait. Of course. You're from Aurora, aren't you? They must have been worried you'd tell someone."

"I would not have!" said Corporal Alan, sitting up in his chair. "My mother is entering, but I..."

"At this rate, Great Uncle Arthur's going to have to do the all judging by himself," said Alice.

"Prince Arthur?" said Corporal Alan, going slightly pale at the mention of King Geoffrey's youngest brother.

"I know. He'll probably give all the best prizes to the vegetables again," said Alice, shaking her head. "The way he always does."

Corporal Alan's lips pursed. He glanced at his console for a second, then set his jaw and started typing in commands.

"I'll start the boot-up sequence, your highness."

"Thank you. Could you warm up the ship's transmitter as well?" said Alice. "We need to get going as soon as we can."


"Great. Get Captain Zachary to give you his authorisation as soon as he gets here. Thank you," said Alice, as she pulled Alex and Ellen through into the garage.

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