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"Med! Is Treacy awake?"

Ask a girl in blond in sweet accent. With perfect scotch contour and rosy cheeks. Black v-neck was worn and silly jeans.

"Yes. But she's practicing to walk.-

Replied Meddy with full confidence.

-And by the way Gabriella, Treace faces amnesia. She can't remember anything including you and me . That's why please stay away from Treace for the mean time, we're avoiding memory crash out----Boom!"

Med's accent of speaking is totally different from the previous moment we've shared with Med. Full grown up tone and a mood wrapped with confidence.

"But--she needs to know that the b--"

Gabriella's accent of fear was shown.

"Shh-- we're inside the campus. Let's talk about it later"

Med smiled and walked out, Gabriella's face was filled with disappointment.

"I know everything. You have no escape now"

Campus Clinic
4:12 PM

Late Afternoon 20++ minutes before Sunset. Only Treace was the only patient left lying on the 1 of the 5 beds. Basically the Clinic is darker upon what you've thought of it, the walls were full of Movie Stickers and the floor was almost wrapped in rust.

There are five beds in the clinic, one is blue, one is navy green and the three left were white in color. Treace is on the blue one. The arrangement of the beds were in line, slightly closed to the eastern walls.


"Hi Med. Have you seen Gabriella? I haven't seen her yet."

"Uhmm. Have you eaten lunch?"

"Yeah. But I was not comfortable with the food they offered to me"

Upon their conversation, a knock is heard from the door.

"Who's their?'

Ask Med with fright.

"Treace! This is Gabriella! Do you recognize my voice?!"

Gabriella's voice was thin. She is the typical city girl you always see in the highway. A girl in 6", she have round eyes and sexy lips. Her eyes we're light brown and huge enough forehead to let an airplane land on it.

"Come in Gab"

Said Treace, her tone is sad and confused for Gab said that she has an amnesia.

"Are you sure?!"

"I have shared my childhood with you. Why wouldn't I let you enter?"

The door opened. Gab was shocked for she have seen Medusa.

"Good morning Treace! How's your memory crash out!?

"Have a sit Gab. I wasn't informed by Medusa that I am having an amnesia."

"Excuse me girls."

Med ended the conversation with an excuse. She left the clinic with anger and disappointment.

"Treace, I guess your friend is planning something"

Said Gab.

"Bigger problem is bothering me."

"What is it?"

"The Diary"

"You mean the diary that brought you to this?"


"Where did you got that book?"

"From Ms. Fawn"

"Fawn? Sound familiar"

"Yes. The clinic lady"

Thank you for reading!
Please have a time to vote!
PS. Chapter II. 5 is waiting!

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

die.aryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon