Shocking news

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It was early in the morning when Bella and Jen went to the mall to buy the newest collection, when they saw Ida, Pia and Ria talking with a boys who was wearing black coat. They didn't bother about it because it's probably just someone they knew, then they saw the news, a photo of Lydia and Alston with a caption 'Lydia Kachina is pregnant?' It was everyone's talk for a few weeks now even in school. Lydia has been going to school even now and then but she needed to quit the pep squad because of her pregnancy, everyone has been keeping an eye on her.

"Why? Why? Why?!!!" Ida said who was on her bedroom.

Ida was on her room after her friends called her saying that she need to watch the news and so she did when she turn it on, she saw photos with the caption on it. Then she started throwing her phone, her loptop, lock the door, and even push her lamp on the side because she loved Alston and it was the same with Pia and Ria they loved the boys. The loved they felt is strong and obsessed.

"Ida open the door." Pia said while banging the door.

As soon as Ida opened the door Pia and Ria went inside and they started talking. Ida's mom called the two girls because Ida wouldn't let her in and locked herself in her room, she thought it was just for a while then she heard a crashing stuff from Ida's room, so she immediately took their telephone and called the girls over.

"Girls, We have to do something about the girls, we have to do something before it's too late." Ida said

"We know Ida, and that's why were here. We have to call them. The game will start now." Pia smirked.

"Girls I have already called them , so let's just wait for the good news."

The three girls have finished their conversation and went to school the next day and saw Brantly and Alvin talking. And approached them.

"Hi boys, I was just wondering if you want to hang out with us next week?" Pia said.

"Thank you but we have to declined your offer. Sorry we have to go" Alvin said walking past them.

"I told you this wouldn't work for them." Ria whispered.

"Well then I guessed it's time to move." Ida said.

The three girls went inside their classroom and saw Alston, Lydia, Bella and Jen talking. 

"Actually I'm one month pregnant, and as soon as our parents heard it they bought us lots of babies stuff. And they even talked about marriage, they said why not take this opportunity to get married since your already pregnant." Lydia said with amused on her face, and holding her stomach. "Ofcorse we refused their proposal." 

"What? Why would you guys refused I meant you are pregnant and your parents is right about getting married." Bella said.

"Were only 3 months away from graduating and we would like to get married after we graduate, so that's what we told our parents." Alston said holding Lydia's hand.

"I guessed your right, we only have 3 more months till our school finished so yeah that wedding can wait until then." Jen said smiling.

Actually after their visit in the hospital they went straight to the ultrasound and the doctor said she was 4 weeks pregnant, then some paparazzi saw them walking out in the hospital and the next day the news was already in the News paper, T.V's and everyone in school heard it. they said that it doesn't really matter that she's pregnant because the two is already engage and soon to be married. Ofcorse people was happy and even give their blessings for them. As soon as Alston and Lydia got home they saw their parents waiting for them, and run towards Lydia to hugged her. After a week of knowing she's pregnant she's on her 1st month of pregnancy now, Alston was looking after her and making sure she eat and don't stress out.

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