chapter six

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I woke up to the man stood over me while I was still in the bath, I quickly got up trying to hide bits of my body I said I'm so sorry I didn't mean to fall to sleep. I didn't now how long I was asleep for but the water had turned cold and I was freezing. he looked at me up and down and said you need to put some weight on, then he said right I'm going ill be back later get changed so I can put your chains back on. Then he left and closed the door behind him, I grabbed the towel and quickly dried myself glanced at the mirror I looked so different from when I first looked in the mirror before I went in the bath I was so much cleaner. I was still skin and boned though. wonder what he meant when he said you need to put some weight on would he feed me now.

when I was done I opened the door and started walking to the living room and made my way back to my bed when I spotted a plate of food at the table I looked up at the man and said come here so I can put your chain back on I wouldn't want you escaping on me now especially since we are getting on so well.

after putting the chain back on me he said that's yours and pointed at the plate with chips and a sandwich I rushed straight to the table and sat down before I could put any thing in my mouth he said and don't be getting use to this treatment, baths, and food all in one day, this will be the last time so enjoy it while you can. I never said anything just looked down at the food picked a chip up smelt it then put it in my mouth that taste was to die for then I picked more up and put them in my mouth. I was eating faster and faster in till all the food on my plate was gone. I touched my belly and it felt full to be honest I felt a little sick.

That night I was sitting on my bed just waiting then all of a sudden I heard is car pull in. I heard him speaking then I heard a women talking back he opened the door and the women came in after him. She was falling all over I looked at him and he blinked at me and said this is emm then looked towards her again sorry love what was your name. she said slurring her words my name is Kelly then she fell to the floor. He looked at me and nodded towards her, but she stood up and asked for the toilet, before he could answer her she started walking down the hall he quickly come to me and took my chain of. Come on so we both followed her, she went into the empty room we went in after her and stood at the door way she looked around then turned to face us taking a fag out of her handbag. she said you mind, while putting the fag in her mouth and holding the lighter. Before any one of us could answer she lit it up then asked again were the toilet was. she started walking towards us to go find the toilet but he wouldn't let her passed, she laughed and tried again. but this time he pushed her to the floor and pulled out a knife.

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