Missy Quarles

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written by Sarah K. L. Wilson


The day before my novel was Featured on wattpad I was nervous and excited. Every wattpad author covets those spots and wants a chance to get their work "out there." But how do you take advantage of that to really make good friends and find new readers? These were the questions buzzing in my mind when Missy Quarles befriended me.  missyq0814 had already been Featured by wattpad for one month and she brought wisdom and enthusiasm with her that was part of her signature here on wattpad as a skilled, and charismatic author. Missy's book "Broken Crown" has reached the #1 spot on the wattpad Fantasy Hot List and it is my pleasure to post her interview with me here.


Sarah K. L. Wilson: What was your inspiration for writing Broken Crown? Was there a particular idea that sparked the whole thing?  

Missy Quarles: I can't remember what sparked it, but I know I started with Leven's character. Her name wasn't even Leven, she was just the Girl. But the moment she found her way into my head, she refused to leave! And so many things have changed since I first started writing it! 

Sarah K. L. Wilson: What are you working on right now? 

Missy Quarles: I'm currently writing the sequel Shattered Kingdom and toying with the idea of writing a short story from Calloway's point of view. 

Sarah K. L. Wilson: What would you say is your strong point as a writer? 

Missy Quarles: I'm hoping it's my way of throwing some surprises at the reader. I hope the reader can't guess every twist and turn in the story! 

Sarah K. L. Wilson:  Anything that's really stood out to you about how we write or why we write the way we do? 

Missy: The one thing I remember now is that once I start writing, it's hard for me to stop. I get in a zone and everything around me disappears, which is great for writing. It's not so great for laundry though! 

Sarah: Who is your favorite published author and why? 

Missy Quarles: That is such a hard question! I love Seth Graham Smith. He wrote Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I love that he took stories that most already knew and added a twist to them! And I love that the girls in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies weren't damsels in distress. They were fighters who would run towards danger instead of away from it!

Sarah K. L. Wilson:If you could steal one thing from their skill set, what would it be?  

Missy Quarles: His imagination! To be able to take a story that every girl knows by heart and put zombies in it! Girls who are proper but can also throw a punch! 

Sarah K. L. Wilson: Who is your favorite wattpad author and why? 

Missy Quarles:  When I first started Wattpad, had a book called Less Than Three, and I became obsessed with it. I couldn't wait until she updated each week! She had this amazing way of making me feel that same teen angst and I loved it. 

Sarah K. L. Wilson: If you could steal one of their skills and make it your own, which would you choose? 

Missy Quarles: I felt like her main character, Summer, was real. That everything that happened in the book happened in real life. The way she talked and sighed and fell hard in love. I was 16 all over again! 

Sarah K. L. Wilson: Your book, Broken Crown has been in Fantasy on wattpad! How does that make you feel? Do you feel like a wattpad success? 

Missy Quarles: The day I found out I was , I was literally jumping up and down in my office! I never thought I would see my book climb all the way to the top! I do feel in some ways that I am a wattpad success. When I started, I just wanted to see what the general public thought of my writing. But the reaction to the characters and their stories has been overwhelming! The amount of reads and votes and comments I've gotten in such a short amount of time has been tremendous. But I also know that there are stories who have achieved much more, and I strive to be in the ranks with them! I'm hoping with the success on wattpad, I'll be able to get it published and see where it goes from there! 

Sarah K. L. Wilson: What has you the most excited about the coming days for your writing? 

Missy Quarles: The release of the sequel to Broken Crown. I love hearing what the readers have to say about Leven, and I can't wait for them to see what is in store for her, Calloway and Ryker. They have more to say, so I just hope the readers stay tuned!!!

Sarah K. L. Wilson: Thank you for talking with us today, missyq0814 and good luck on your sequel! If you are reading this and you haven't followed Missy yet or read her work, why not give it a try? I promise it will be worth it!

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