Title: ~romaji:Kurosagi
~english: The Black Swindler
Manga-Chapters-Status: YES-79Chaps.-Ongoing
Mangaka/s-Artist/s:Takeshi Natsuhara-Kuromaru
Anime-Episodes-Status: NONE
FanSubs: NONE
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Seinen
Description: White swindlers (shirosagi) are those that cheat people to take their money, red swindlers (akasagi) are those that swindle the opposite sex, and black swindlers (kurosagi) are those that cheat the white and red swindlers. After his family is swindled by white swindlers, Kurosagi sets out to avenge them by becoming a black swindler.
MyRants: this manga is superb. i learned so much about laws in japan and tricks of swindlers.
MyRatings: 3stars
MyStatus: waiting for update
My OtaCom **ON-HOLD**
RandomA compilation of all the manga & anime that I(not in order): *reading/watching *will read/watch *done *waiting list note: this compilation is inspired by @Miyu_Chama's work