Chapter 7

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Levy stretched out on her couch and turned the page of her book. This was the last book of the series she had been reading, so she was really excited to finish it.

As usual, she got lost in the adventure that was taking place in the old pages. The thrill was so much that she could have screamed and the mystery kept her wanting more and more. She felt like a drug addict, getting high on her latest fix.

All to soon, she had turned and read the last page. She smiled sadly to herself, everything had worked out for the characters, but not for her, she was far from ready to say good bye to them.

She placed the book on her table and walked into the kitchen. Cheese puffs should make her feel better, they always did.

She grabbed a bag of them from the cupboard and was digging in the refrigerator for a can of cola when she felt an unpleasant tingle. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she whirled around to see who was there.

The lounge was empty.

Levy shook her head and walked back to the couch.

She's been feeling like someone was watching her since she came to Magnolia. She always played it off as her over active imagination mixed with being away from home, so she normally just ignored it. But this time felt different, too real to be a figment of her imagination.

She grabbed the TV remote when she realised something that made her blood run cold, the book was no longer there.

Levy shot up and faced the passage. Her heart beating out of her chest and fear laced in her system.

She saw a shadow in her room doorway just as the door slammed shut.

Levy covered her mouth with her hand to muffle her scream. She stumbled back and grabbed her phone, retreating to the kitchen.

She sent a text to her boyfriend, knowing she was too scared to talk so phoning would be pointless. She pulled out a kitchen knife, silently praying that she wouldn't have to use it for anything other then cutting onions.

In less then five minutes, Gajeel stormed through the front door, almost walking straight past Levy.

When he saw her, he cupped her cheek, panic in his eyes, "Levy? Are you okay? What's going on?" He asked, clearly worried.

Levy shook her head and bit her lip, "Th-th- there's someone in my room." She whispered, her eyes big and lips trembling.

Gajeel nodded and began a slow walk towards the room, with Levy behind him.
He pushed the door open, revealing an empty room.

Levy gasped when she saw her book lying on the floor and her window open. She distinctly remembered locking it when she got home.

Gajeel turned around to face her, "There's no on here..."
Levy took a deep breath, "That book, was on the couch, in the lounge." She said, her voice small.

Gajeel's pierced eyebrows shot up, "I need you to tell me the full story Shrimp, but first, let's get out of here." He said, gently grabbing her hand.


Gajeel walked his girlfriend up to his apartment and sat her down on the couch.

He sat next to her and couldn't help but smile as she curled up next to him, her head resting on his chest.

His smile faded when he saw her expression. Her lips were pulled into a frown and her eye brows were furrowed, he could tell she was scared.

"Oii, Shrimp, what happened?" He asked, his voice surprisingly gentle.

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