In Midtown New Tokifornia, a giant robot that goes by the name, "Iron Minotaur" is destructively roaming the city looking for his creator. Iron Minotaur attacks a group of people thinking one of them is his creator. The people scream in terror, but a man in blue and black leotard with a molecule symbol on an yells "The Manlecule is here!" The people notice his outfit and name and laugh at his hilarious attempt at trying to rescue them. The robot also laughs at Manlecule. Manlecule tries to show off his abilities and pushes the button on his suit which makes is supposed to make him grow, but it malfunctions causing his head to grow 10x bigger. The robot stomps on Manlecule. Thinking he has killed the hero, Iron Minotaur yells in victory, but he begins to lift off ground and under him is a growing Manlecule that tosses Iron Minotaur on the ground and he rips of his leg and impales Minotaur with it destroying the robot. Manlecule jumps for glory because this is the first threat he has neutralized. He walk towards the crowd with pen and paper thinking that people will want his autograph, but everyone walks away.
At the city, Takosu and Juragon are battling a horde of weird chicken goblins. The half-duo is wiping through the monsters. Juragon warns Takosu about a strange energy coming from a cave down the hill. Takosu tells he's not going because didn't want to fight the chicken goblins in the first place. Juragon tells him that it might be the witch that cursed him or something linked to her. Takosu and Juragon decides to enter the cave where he finds the Poultry King. Takosu is angered by the fact that it's just another monster. Juragon tells him if they defeat they will probably be upgraded to a higher hero status. Takosu tells that being a hero is a job it's a stupid hobby that he doesn't want. The Poultry King attacks Takosu and Juragon and projects energy from his mouth. Juragon blocks it shoots a Dragon Beam at it. Takosu runs towards the Poultry King kicks him in the face Juragon then tries to bite him, but the King grabs him and slams them on the ground. Takosu asks him why would he try to bite him and Juragon tells him he shouldn't have kicked him without telling him first. The Poultry King picks them up and eats them. Takosu and Juragon try to find a way out before they are digested. The hero Spark arrives to fight the Poultry King. Spark dashes towards it and punches it in the stomach. Takosu screams because Spark punches him too. Spark recognizes his voice tries to get them out of there. Juragon tells Spark the only to get them out is to make the Poultry King puke. So Spark opens the Poultry King's mouth and zaps his throat causing him to puke up Takosu and Juragon. Spark then precedes to Nitro Punch the Poultry King into nonexistence. Spark then asks The duo to explain themselves.
Battle King #2
Fantasy"Introduction Arc" Part 2 Reign Of The Poultry King (Kakin-ö no chisei)