...How everything started...

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That morning i woke up happy and i didn't even know why. I got out of bed and looked out trough the window. Mom and dad runed into my room with a cake in their hands and started singing me a birthday song.

Then i remembered that it was my birthday! A big smile appeared on my face. I was smiling from ear to ear. I hugged mom and dad.
-Thanks mom! Thanks dad! -

-Do you have any special wishes for this special day? - my dad asked me.

-Well... You know how much i like to dance... Um.. Well.. - i tried my best to sound cute like a little kid but i just couldn't.

-Well? - my mom asked me, still holding the cake.

-...Well i would love to go to Seoul for my birthday, i can do an audition there and maybe with a little luck i could become an idol! - i said full of hope and with a dreamy face.
Dad again made that face.

-You have to understand that we don't have money to do what ever you want. Everything you need is school and you will have a life from dreams... - my dad was telling me when i jumped in

-But dad, my dream is to become an idol, and with finished school i don't think i become an idol- i said.

-Oh come on Lea, just leave those dreams for little kids and just grow up already. Successful people either a lot of money or a lot of knowledge. Since we don't have money, your only option is to study. Just focus on your studies and you will have everything you want. - my dad told me.

- You keep telling me that for five years untill now! And i still can't even get the clothes i want! I got enought of not sleeping at night just so i could study and get a good grade! This thing never ends! - i shouted at my dad all angry. I know i have to study and all that, but i just got enought of this. It's all just stories.

-Stop! - mom shouted. I was happy that she was there. Because if she didn't, dad would have already killed me.

-Me and your dad have to talk. You go and eat your breakfast, and take this cake to kitchen. - my mom told me and gave me the cake. She tried to take my angry dad out of the room.

When they left i left the cake in the kitchen and came back to my room. I have to get dressed up and all that stuff.

I opened my closet and searched for a good outfit for today. Even tho my 10th birthday in row was destroyed by my dad, it was still my birthday, the day when i should be happy. And i Will be happy.

Sometimes while I'm choosing what to wear i pretend that im an idol who has to chose perfect clothes for a performance. Even tho i don't have "perfect" clothes.

Finally i choosed shorts and a t-shirt. I took my hair brush and started to brush my hair. I liked my hair alot. I had so many memories from when i was very young that were connected to my hair. I remember when i for the first time tied my hair in a bum. I looked like a ballerina so i just wanted to try and that's how i started to dance.

From that day on, my dream is to become an famous dancer.

I got out of the house without turning to moms and dads room and witouth any breakfast.

I went to the park, so i could breathe some fresh air and to calm down a bit. Now i was sorry because i was shouting on my dad. But i won't be sad. Today is my special day and i said that I'll be happy.

I found some money in my pocket and i bouth an chocolate ice cream. I love chocolate so much.

I was walking trought the park while eating the ice cream. I was looking at beautiful flowers that was on the sides of small streets in the park. It was very colorful and there was alot of butterflys. They were so beautiful. I saw one butterfly with pinkish blue wings. I really liked him so i decided to sit next to it. I was sitting there and watching him but he didn't move.

I was watching him for so long that i remembered all the details. When i saw that the park is empty (everyone left) i got up and started to walk home. On my way ti the house i saw a poster for the high school that my dad wanted me to go in. I felt even worse now.

I know how much he wanted me to finish school as an excellent student, and that's all he wants from me,and i couldn't even do that right.

Because i understood what mistake i made i dicaded to hurry up and go to apologize to dad.



To be continued...

So hi everyone! I hope you like this. Please vote and share with your friends. This IS going to be an Jungkook fanfiction i just need to get to the point of Lea first meeting Junkook.I will update as soon as i can. I hope that you will enjoy.
Love ya~


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