Decisions. {A Divergent FF}

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It was Aptitude test day. The day all sixteen year olds both dreaded and looked forward to at the same time. My friends and I all sat in the dining hall on the same table, the different Factions separated from one another. The Amity were sat on the floor in a circle, playing some sort of hand clapping game, the Dauntless sitting down quietly surprisingly, looking like they were formulating a plan. The Erudite were sat on the lunch table, books in satchels, the Abnegation sitting quietly and waiting. And finally our table, the Candor table. The boys were making gestures at each other and arguing about which video game was the best to play, so they weren't taking it too seriously.

I sat down on the bench with my friends; Izzie and Lola. The sullen looks on our faces were apparent from the moment we stepped into the room. The tension lifted slightly when Hanna and Kitty walked in, their presence made the room slightly less tense.

"Hiya girls!" Kitty said, ecstatic. "Looking forward to the test?"
"No!" Replied Izzie and Lola, they usually spoke in unison.
"I've heard they have to inject you with a serum.." Hannah said, pulling a face.
"Nope, you have to drink it. I can't remember what it's called though," I replied.
"How do you know that?" Hannah asked.
"I researched it for a topic last year in school," I said and they all stared at me as if I were some sort of lunatic.
"You're weird, you know that right?" Kitty asked me. I pulled a face. How I loved being in Candor; not. At that moment, the boys stopped arguing and joined in to our conversation as well as Christina, my best friend.

"Hey girls, what's up?" Nolan asked. He stood up and sat next to Kitty and put his arm around her waist. They had been going out for about two years now.
"I'm nervous.." Shivered Lola.
"Oh buck up!" Said Izzie, punching her in the arm. Lola stuck her tongue out at her and she did the same.
"Seriously? You're sixteen and you still stick your tongues out at each other?" John tutted.
"The amount of immaturity in the room is very large," I said. "And not just from the amity." I smirked. We both laughed, the rest of the group obviously not humoured by my snide remark.
"Don't you just love being in Candor?" Christina smirked and we all joined in laughing, as if it were our last time together.

The testers came out and started to call names from the various factions. "From Candor;
"Nolan and Kitty," a dark haired women called out. They got up from the bench and hugged each other good luck as they walked towards the testing rooms. The rest of us sat in silence until our names were called.

I looked at the Abnegation table and saw a boy. He was sat reading a book with who I assume was his sister as they looked so alike. His short blonde hair and lean figure made my eyes look in his direction. The simple nature of his being drew me to him. There was something special about this boy, I knew it. But I didn't know what it was.

The people who had just had their aptitude tests entered the room, with pale faces and shivers.
The testers came back and called the next set of names.
"... And from Candor; Lola and John." They got up and walked together, Izzie wishing her good luck.
I looked back at the boy who was now talking to another person, calming him down after his aptitude test. I was drawn to this person, I again did not know why. We sat there in silence whilst the others were getting tested, Nolan trying to calm Kitty down, sitting in the corner of the room.

The people came out and then the testers came and called out names.
"..From Abnegation, Caleb Prior and Susan Black.." The boy I was looking at got up and followed his tester. Caleb Prior. Where had I heard that name before?
"... And from Candor, Peter and Ellie."
I looked back at my friends, hoping that I wouldn't get crushed alive. Peter was like that, horrible and manipulative. He even had his own group of followers, Molly and Drew. They never talked to any of us because they were 'too exclusive'. I looked over at Caleb, who was about to walk into his testing room. He looked up and saw me staring at him and looked back down, his cheeks tinting.

"Hello, I'm Tori. I'll be your administrator," the woman who stood in front of me said. I couldn't talk because of nerves so I just nodded and followed her into the room.
"Don't worry, it's nothing bad, honest!" She said, a bit too perky.
"Thank you," I said quietly. She guided me to the big chair in the middle of the room with many computers and wires surrounding it.
"There's nothing to worry about, just relax and take this," she handed me a vial of liquid.
"Why?" I asked, worried.
"You must drink it, trust me," she replied.
"Okay.." I said, tipping the vial into my mouth. I entered into darkness.


Hope you like it! Next part coming up shortly :)

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