Chapter 3.

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As soon as I got into the dining hall, Christina came up to me and gave me a huge hug and said that she was going next into the testing room. I kept on walking and sat next to John who was looking rather lonely and in his usual state of mind.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked him, smiling.
"Uh.. What? Sorry." He must have zoned out like I did.
"I asked you if you were okay.. It's been answered for me now," I said back quite seriously.
"I'm fine, honest," he said, blinking really fast. That was the good thing about being a Candor, you can tell when people are lying. John always blinks fast and I bite the inside of my lips.
"No you're not, blinking remember?" I teased.
"Darn. I really need to learn how to control it don't I?"
"Yup, you do," I smiled. "So what's wrong?"
"It's.." He struggled to finish. "I can't really tell you in a public place. I'll tell you later, okay? When we're walking home in fact. We'll have to get going soon, my mum will wonder where I am."
"Okay, well, I'll see you later." His face went back to the procrastinating position he was in earlier.
I turned around and Christina hurtled towards me and embraced me in a tight hug.
"How did it go?" I asked, a bit too perkily.
"It was okay.. I'd rather not talk about it," she said seriously.
"Um.. Okay? Well, we better get going. It usually takes ages to get home while we're walking," I said. "Let me go and get John."
John and Christina didn't really get along. John was a mature, active-minded person and Christina was perky and outgoing. Quite the opposite of each other. I have been friends with John since we were young, being neighbours and all. I met Christina in school, when the boys and girls were separated in P.E. She had no-one to partner and neither did I, the friendship sort of blossomed from there. My other close friends Izzie and Lola, I met in high school. Christina was separated into a completely different area and we never saw each other at school, in lessons or at lunch and I needed to make some friends and they welcomed me in and I felt like I belonged again. The next year, Christina had her parents complain and we got put in the same lessons and she made friends with Izzie and Lola too. The both of them knew Kitty, Nolan and Hannah well so we became a big group. John became best friends with Nolan and we all became close friends.
I walked over to John and he was procrastinating; again. He always did that.
"We're going now," I said, tugging at his rucksack. "Come on! Christina's waiting." I was getting agitated now.
"Does she have to walk home with us? She's too.. What's the word.. Perky," he said, moodily.
"She's my friend and I expect you to get along with her. If you weren't so moody.." John punched me lightly in the arm and I punched him back. It was sort of our thing. We always insulted each other because that was our type of friendship, a bit of an odd one at that.
"Come on," I moaned, grabbing his hand and dragging him. Luckily Christina lived quite near the school so John didn't moan for long.

We got to her house and she invited us in, both John and I politely refusing. I said bye to her and she said that she'd message me later. John and I continued on walking, he looked a bit more happy now that she had gone.
"So... Are you going to tell my why you were all morose earlier then?" I asked, elbowing him so he'd pay attention.
"Um.. Maybe later."
"But John! You promised!" I said, angrily.
"I'll tell you when we get in a place.. Not so public." I had an inkling of what he was going to tell me; his aptitude test results. I realised that these were something you couldn't tell others, so it must be quite important.
"Erm, okay?" I answered back.
"Sorry.. It's just," he started and I caught on.
"No, I know, it's okay." I smiled at him. "So, how are you?" And we kept the conversation flowing until we got to our houses.
"I'll message you and come over at some point," he said.
"Okay, bye!" I waved and walked in through the front door, to instantly be hit by chaos.


Sorry for the shorter chapter! I needed a filler :3

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