Chapter 5 - Movie Night

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Chapter 5 - Movie Night

Lily’s POV: 

I ignored their looks and go to the only available seat which is in between Oliver and Xavier. The others have looks of disappointment and there is an awkward silence so I cleared my throat

“What movie are we watching?” I asked getting rid of the silence

“Cheaper by the dozen” Carson says

“I love this movies, it’s so funny” I squealed

Everyone agreed with me and we turned it on a started watching it. Half way through the movie, I was uncomfortable so I laid my head in Xavier’s lap and feet in Oliver’s lap. I was developing a crush on Xavier even though I have been here for a day. Xavier looked down at me and smiled and I smiled back. 

I couldn’t focus on the movie all I could think about was Xavier’s 6 pack, i could feel it against me so I snuggled up to him and pretended to be asleep. When the movie finished, I just stayed there on his lap. 

“What do you guys think of Lily?” I heard Katherine ask, not knowing that I was awake. 

“She’s pretty and cool” Ashton said

“I’m falling in love with her” I heard Xavier say and could see him looking at me. 

“You can’t, I’ve got dibs” Carson said and I can tell has a smirk on his face. Seriously? I’m not an object

“You get every girl and she’s not an object, you can’t claim her” Xavier says angrily

“She’s my little sister and I don’t think she will appreciate you having dibs on her” Oliver said. Thats right, you go Oliver. 

“Yeah, you shouldn’t call dibs” Katherine says

“Come on, time to go to bed” John says

I feel Xavier getting up and he picks me up and carries me and I clutch his shirt not wanting to let go. He tries pulling me off, but I wont let go so he lays me down and gets in behind me. He grabs my waist and pulls me close, he kisses my forehead

“Goodnight Lily” He whispers and he starts singing softly

I fall asleep think of how perfect his arms feel around me. 

I wake up seeing it’s 3:00am and hearing soft cries from the twins room so I unwrap my self for Xavier and I see Addy in the corner of the room crying so I pick her up and she stops crying and falls back asleep but wont let go of me so I get back into bed and put Addy in the middle of me and Xavier and I fall back asleep, hugging Addy to my chest. 

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