SilverGarnet's story.

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My name is SilverGarnet. I did some things I wasn't proud of in my lifetime. But for some reason, when I died, I came back. Now I haunt the nether. My home and spawnpoint. It wasn't always like this. Once I was in the land above, with friends and the sun on my face. But now I'm here, hidden from civilisation. In a way I'm glad. All my friends died at the same time as me, only no one else got a second chance.

Things started going wrong when the leader of our village became jealous of our ally's, as they recently had two people spawn, one was a natural at pvp, the other at building. The day I heard about this, the town was called to a meeting.

My memories a bit fuzzy but I think we had a vote and the majority voted to attack. I
remember being in the minority saying that we shouldn't, we were allies after all.
Clypsia ran up to after and said 'You know you're most likely gonna die tomorrow, right?'
'Yes. I hate having the zombie pigmen trait of avenging friends. I've killed to many because of it.'
'Oh. Ummm see you tomorrow morning. I guess.'
I sighed, being a weapon sucked so bad. Deep down I knew I was only here because I was valuable. A pawn and a freak. Having control over fire helped get me a place here.

In the morning I woke, hands ablaze and eyes wide. I wiped away a tear as I thought about the people that would die because of me. I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat, as I thought about their friends. Secretly, I kinda hoped that today would be my last. Only then could I be free from fear and guilt.

The signal sounded and I went to the meeting place. I didn't pay attention, as once I went kamikaze I couldn't control myself anyway, it's like spectating someone else. Instead I thought about my dream and the guy in it. In my dream the guy stood in front of a shadowy figure as if to protect him, then told me 'You do not belong in this place. Now go.' I'd attempt to escape but always got hit by lightning, then I'd wake up.

A cheer jolted me back to reality, and I followed everyone, dawdling in their wake. Suddenly, the guy in front was hit by an arrow, and I went kamikaze. I could no longer control my actions and watched through pitiless eyes as I attacked.

As I ran toward the village, my fists ablaze, I asked myself once again, 'Why am I doing this? These people are not my enemies!' But unfortunately, my battle mode had already kicked in. I was a child of the nether and it was incredibly annoying, as the smallest hit on one of my friends, and I would attack without thinking, as well as catching on fire. I ran through my former ally's village, setting fire to whatever I could. Eventually I came across a group of buildings that were magnificently made. To my horror, I set them on fire.

I wish the rest if my village hadn't made the decision to attack, as I liked the other village and hated fighting, as I wouldn't stop until I was dead or had won. Just then I saw a figure climb out of a hole. My natural instincts kicked in, forcing me to fight.
I heard myself yell 'Keep on going Clypsia', as Clypsia and I ran towards the houses.

It was taking most of my self control not to kill him immediately, when the figure cried 'Stop that!' Why, I thought, must you make me fight you, all I want is to live my life in peace.
Then, to my horror, I heard myself yell 'Let's kill him.' As I ran towards him, I knew I wouldn't survive the day.

Suddenly, three of my fellow villagers appeared, joining the chase. I felt sick, not only at myself, but my whole village. And the gleeful looks on their faces. All my friends, traitors. That's when I knew I would welcome my death. It would free me from my curse and from forever having the identity of a traitor.

Suddenly there was a large boom. In the middle of the smoking crater, a figure stood between them and the one they were pursuing.
'You do not belong in this place. Now go.' Even though his voice was quiet. I could hear it perfectly. I started to go, but it was too late. It was just like in the dream.

Even as I took my first step back, I knew I couldn't escape. The dream had told me that much. The sky turned dark as the blackest night and bolts of lightning came raining down. Instead of being sad, though, I was glad. Maybe now I could finally be free, free to do what I want, and not go kamikaze because my friend was hit.

All around was fading to white. I could sense myself slipping, down into deaths realm. My life flashed before my eyes, spawning in a pool of lava and not getting burnt, killing my first person, then another and another because of my traits. If I could have another chance, I'd stay in the nether, to avoid harming someone else. As I faded, I saw a spot that looked like fire. I touched it, and everything went white.

I don't know how long it was, but I suddenly had the sensation of falling. I felt the ground hit my feet and looked around. I was underground. In a cave. Made of netherrack. I smile, knowing I had been given second chance. And this time I was determined to not mess up. Walking outside I opened my arms, welcoming my new life.

I soon found a nether fortress and walked inside, hoping to find blazes. It didn't take long before I found the spawner. While I waited for them to spawn, I got out a book and wrote an apology to those who I had destroyed their homes, and burnt their creations. If they ever came into the nether and found me, I would give them the book. It was the least I could do.

Suddenly, I heard a voice, 'Who are you?'
Turning round to face the source of the voice I replied, 'SilverGarnet. I will do my best not to harm you.' I finished, facing the voice's owner. It was a blaze.
There were two of them now and one asked, 'If you help protect us, you don't have to live alone. We will be your friends. We know of your problem.'
That's when I knew that even monsters could have friends. For that's what I was. A monster.
I answer, with hope lighting up in my eyes for the first time in a week, 'Yes. I'll help you guys. I just wish I had come here sooner and prevented a lot of unnecessary deaths. Besides, I feel happier here than up there.'
'It's a deal. You'll help us and we'll help you.'

A few days later..

Walking home from collecting nether wart, to my horror, I saw a portal. People had come. I just hoped they wouldn't find me, as for once I felt like I belonged. Then I remembered my apology. If they found me I would attempt to reason, but they wouldn't trust me. After all I helped destroy their village and should technically be dead. I am only alive because I was a child of the nether, one with the ability to fake death and come back to the place I was meant to have spawned. Ah well, I guess only time will tell whether they find and listen to me or not.

If this isn't too late to be in your competition, ShadowLykos, I'm entering this as well. The theme 'metamorphosis' is present in the change from peaceful to hostile. I wrote the account of my character SilverGarnet's point of view of her role in Broken Brothers because, well, even the enemy has feelings. Hope you all enjoy!
Oh and make sure you read Broken Brothers.
Or else.
Waffles will eat your brains.

From sapling to tree. Shadowlykos contest.Where stories live. Discover now