In Phil's mind

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Phil's POV

I woke up this morning and I went to have breakfast and on one of the counters I found the business  card that Alexa gave me. I love that girl, her eyes are so hypnotizing, her voice is so angelic. She is really talented and I really want to get to know her better. As we ate breakfast I said to Dan " Hey Dan yesturday I met this amazing girl called Alexa she with Zoe". Dan looked at me and said " Yes so what you have met many amazing people". " No Dan she was different, she was busking and she is so talented, she plays the guitar, sings like an angel and we have so much in common, look she gave me her number, do you want to meet her?"I asked. "Yes why not, she sounds interesting". I got my phone and put in the number, I was so anxious what if she gave me a random number just to make me shut up. I anxiously put my finger on the screen and the I was calling her. Someone finally answered " Hello" She said. " Hi  is this Alexa, its Phil speaking"" Oh yes hey Phil, whats up" "Oh nothing, Dan just wants to meet you do you want to meet up today". "You guys can come to my place if you want, maybe in about half an hour". "Yes that would be perfect see you there". We ended the call. She is just amazing and her voice is just music for my ears. Then I realised that I wanted to give her something, just small, a friendly gift so I got her a box of chocolate. I was counting down seconds until I could go and see her. I dragged Dan out of his browsing position and we went downstairs, as always I tripped down the stairs. Dan just stood there laughing at me you know just the usual day for us. I knocked on her door and I heard a loud Bang. She opened the door and smiled at me "Sorry I just tripped over my feet. Well done Alexa. Come in make yourself at home". We walked in and all I saw was photos lots and lots of photos all over the walls. We sat down on the sofa. "So Alexa this is Dan he is my roomate, he is also a youtuber". I said introducing Dan. " Oh hello, I am Alexa I have seen some of your videos they are so funny, what would you guys like to drink" She asked with her angelic voice.Dan wanted some juice and I just asked for water. She went out of the room and Dan said " Phil she is really hot and mega clumsy like you, you would be the new perfect couple of the internet". Dan said. " Isn't she just perfect" I said. Then she came back into the room and she asked if we could take a selfie. Of course I said yes and we took the photo. She put it on all her social media and tagged me and Dan of course I followed her. She printed it and stuck it on her wall. Dan had to leave to edit a video. Just as I was leaving she said that I could stay if I wanted to. So I stayed. We just talked and then I went back home. I think she is more than just a girl for me...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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