Pietro: Your first word(s)

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You have always loved watching you dad run. He would always give you a piggyback ride around the world before he put you to bed. One night he was chasing you around the tower. You were screaming with joy as he chased you. You ran past Aunt Wanda who was sitting on the couch. She smiled at you as you pasted. You smiled and started running faster than your dad who was now running at top speed. He tripped over a coffee table in shock and broke his leg. He never knew you had powers. You looked back at him hearing a loud crash. "Дерьмо(S$@#)" Your dad swear. "ПЬЕТРО! Не ругайтесь ПЕРЕД(Y/n)!(PIETRO! DON'T SWEAR IN FRONT OF (Y/N)" Aunt Wanda. "Ванда я сломал ногу( Wanda I broke my leg.)" Your dad said with pain in his voice. You walk over to your dad and softly patted his leg. He picks you up and sits you down on his other leg. "Я буду в порядке (y/n). Мы можем пойти найти врача Знамя, и он будет заботиться о моей ноге. (I'll be okay(y/n). We can go find doctor Banner, and he will take care of my leg.)" He told you. "Нет, мы не будем найти врача баннер. Вы остаетесь здесь, пока я иду найти его. Пойдем со мной(y/n)(No we won't go find doctor banner. You are staying here while I go find him. Come with me (y/n))" Aunt Wanda said. You carefully got off your dad's lap and grabbed her hand.Your dad started to push himself up so he could sit on the couch. You turned around so quick you were only a blur. "Остановка и остаться папа.(Stop and stay put daddy.)" You said as you pointed at the ground and stomped your foot. He was so shock he sat down without a word. You nodded once, turned around, and run into Dr. Banner's lab. You walked up beside him and tugged on his lab coat. He looked down at you. "Hello (y/n). How are you?" he asked you. "Папа болят ноги приходят." you said. "What? You can talk?" He said in shock. "She said daddy leg hurt come." Aunt Wanda said entering the lab. Dr. Banner picked you up. "What happened Wanda?" He asked. "Папа болят ноги приходят." You said starting to cry. "My fault. we ranning. Daddy fell. Breaked leg." Aunt Wanda translated. You cried harder and buried your face into his lab coat. "It's not your fault (y/n)." Dr. Banner said rubbing your back. "He's in the living room." Aunt Wanda said. The three of you made your to the living room. Dr. Banner gave you to Aunt Wanda who took you to your room the calm you down. Dr. Banner examined your dad's leg. He put a cast on it and went back to his lab. Your dad wattled into your room to check on you. "Вы хорошо Speedy?(Are you okay Speedy?)" Your dad asked you. You nodded and climbed into his lap and fell asleep in his arms.  

Hey friends. Sorry its been awhile since the last update. 

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