Part 1 The Beginning: Love At First Sight

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"Remember class, I want a 3 page essay on the history of Panem before and after the second rebellion," Mrs. Wickham stated.
Everyone groaned. I love the history of Panem, but three pages was a lot. The final bell rang and I started toward the door, but was stopped by Mrs. Wickham.
"You got an 109% on your last test. I'm expecting great things in your essay Lillian. You know if you like this, you should try and start looking for careers with it. I know it's the beginning of your last year, before you become a young adult and move on to the real world, but it's never to early to start."
I just nodded my head and headed out. I'm not much of a talker. At my locker my best friends were waiting for me, Vanessa and Mathew
"What was that all about", asked Mathew.
"You know, how good I am with history speech," I replied.
"Hey, are you ready to go to the diner," asked Vanessa.
"Oh yeah. I forgot, we promised my mom we would help her with the diner," I said.
"Ok. Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Oh wait. Hey Vanessa can I have a word with Lillian alone."
"Yeah sure. I'll be outside when your done Lil."
We watched her walk out of the hallway and go outside.
"So, Lil I was wondering......"
Woah, is he asking me out. Ahhhhhh. I was mentally screaming. I wasn't really looking for a boyfriend or anything. How am I going to say no to sweet little sensitive Mathew, not to mention he's my best friend! His eyes were wondering around the room and he began to breath a little heavy.
"If you could help me study for history test?!"
He needed help in history and he didn't want to tell anyone. Good. I felt so much better.
"Uh, yeah sure. How about Friday night you come to the diner and I will tutor you," I offered.
"Ok, that's great. I'll see you tomorrow then after school," he said.
"Ok great. Well I better get going. It's a long walk to the diner."
I smiled at him and went to go join Vanessa. When I reached her she had this jittery smile on her face.
"Sooo, when are you guys going out," she asked.
"What? What are you talking about?"
"He didn't tell you. Uhh boys." She said and rolled her eyes.
"What are you talking about?"
"If Mathew isn't going to tell you, I'm going to tell you. Mathew likes you."
"But I don't like Mathew. Well I like him, just not like that."
"That's a lie. You like him. That's why I told him to ask you."
"What! I don't like him!"
"Uhhh, yes you do."
"No I don't. Prove it. Prove it that I like him."
"Well first, you haven't had a boy friend since we invited him in the friend group. Second, you are getting really defensive but being awkward at the same time which means you are totally crushing on him."
"Vanessa, that doesn't even make sense."
"Hey I don't like him and I'll prove it. I'll get a boys number today at the diner and get a date and if I don't I'll ask out a guy, I'll ask Mathew out. Only if I don't get a boys I'll ask him out though."
"What does this prove exactly."
"It proves that I don't have a crush on Mathew. You said it yourself. I don't ask out boys because you think I like Mathew."
"Ok deal."
We walked into the diner and it was a full house. My mother came around the cash register speed walking holding two aprons, pens, mini notebooks and two ponytails.
"Just put on the aprons, get some straws and napkins and put it in the pocket in the middle along with the notebook and pen and put your hair up. Vanessa you can start with table 2 and Lillian you can go to table 5." My mom said.
With that she ran back behind the counter. We got ready and started waiting on table after table.
"Wow mom, that was a lot of people. I'm so excited for you, your dream is finally taking off. Dad would be proud," I said to my mom over the counter.
"I know. You two were great. Are you guys looking for extra money or something because I'll hire you two?"
"I'll have to ask Vanessa, but that would be nice. When is closing time? I have a 3 page report to write."
"Oh, whenever these two tables are done."
"Ok, I'm going to go see if Vanessa needs help in the kitchen cleaning."
"No, I need someone to stay out here and wait on the two tables, so you are going to stay out here."
"Hey, can you go bring this bowl of soup to table 4 please."
"Oh and beware. Table 3 has been launching food all night and hitting a few people."
I looked over at table three. Five cute teenage boys were sitting there trying to launch some sauce into a bowl.
"Shouldn't you kick them out if they are making a mess." Said Lillian.
"Well I should, but they have to pay for all that food right."
She winked at me and I smiled. I grabbed the bowl of soup and started toward the table. I made eye contact with one of the boys and I saw his eyes follow me as I walked to table 4. I gave the man his soup and walked back.
When I was walking back to the cash register I was cautious, but not cautious enough. As I walked past the table, a giant plater of cheesecake fell on my head. And then to top that some tomato sauce hit my stomach.
I was in shock. I just stood there. I really wished I put my apron on before I delivered that soup. The first thought that came in my mind was to clear the cheesecake from my head a little.
A boy from the table got up and came walking towards me. He had curly hair and really green eyes and a mess of curly hair. He looked tall and really cute. I felt embarrassed even though he was the one who did this to me.
I finished clearing the cheesecake off my head when he reached me.
"I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. I was aiming for the plate across the table and it went a little to far and I'm just so so sorry," he said.
"It's alright. I'm just gonna go clean this up," I said.
"Here let me help you," he began to say.
"No it's fine. Really. I'll go change my shirt and it will be fine," I said.
"No it's my fault, take my sweatshirt."
He took off the History Of Panem sweatshirt he was wearing and handed it to me. He was wearing a plain white shirt underneath. I took it sheepishly and thanked him. He apologized again and he told me to follow him, so I did.
"This is the girl we hit with our food launching. Shouldn't we say something to her." Said the guy.
"Yes, we are very sorry." One of the guys said.
"It's ok", I replied.
We sat there for a few minutes in some sort of awkward silence.
"Well aren't you going to go crazy or something", said one of the guys.
"Why would I do that", I asked.
"Oh never mind then", he said and gave a thumbs up to the guy next to me.
"Well I should really get back to work... I'm sorry I never got your name," I said.
"Well I'm Harry. That's Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall."
"I'm Lillian. Well it's very nice to meet you, but I should really get back to work and get someone to clean that up."
I made a circular motion with my finger over the cheesecake and sauce.
"Ok. It was nice meeting you too," Harry said.
I walked away to go and get someone to clean up the mess of the cheesecake and tomato sauce. Then I went to the bathroom to change my shirt into the sweatshirt.
What, my shirt was ruined and a cute boy gave me the sweatshirt. Plus I loved The History of Panem museum. It's not like I'm not going to put it on. At the reminder of a cute boy, I remembered the deal with Vanessa. I was doomed.
I walked out of the bathroom sad because Vanessa was right in a way. I now had to ask out Mathew on a date. I wonder how awkward that was going to be. Just when I walked out of the bathroom Harry and his friends were leaving. I waved and he waved back and gave me a smile. I blushed and walked to the counter where mom was counting today's earnings.
"Hey, are we going to close up?" I asked.
"Yes, go get Vanessa and go wait in the car while I lock up," she replied.
I walked over to Vanessa who was on her phone texting and told her that we had to go wait by the car and that we were done working.
"Oh yeah before I forget," I said as we walked out of the diner and made are way to the car. "My mom offered us jobs here if you want too have one."
"Yeah sure. I would love to work here. It was sorta fun. I made friends with Berta, the cook. Yeah she's really nice."
"Ok I'll tell her when she comes out."
Then a big gust of wind blew and I was cold. I dug my hands in the pockets of the sweatshirt. I then felt a piece of paper in there. I pulled it out and it read Harry's Number for pretty waiter girl. I smiled and did a tiny scream.
"What? What happened?"
"Did I tell you I got a boy's number!"
"OMG, seriously? Who? Wait it doesn't matter. I have to go to your house so we can call him!"
"Ok. Just text your mom and see if it's ok. I'm sure my mom would be ok with it."
"Ok. Oh and where did you get that sweatshirt?"
"I'll tell you the story when we get to my house."
"Alright girls are we ready to go?" My mom said.
"Yes. Hey mom, can Vanessa sleep over?" I asked.
"Yeah sure. Is it ok with your mom though?" She asked.
"Yes she said it was fine," said Vanessa.
"Ok, great. Let's get going then."
"Alright." We said in unison and we took off for my house.

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