Little Things

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The door bell rang and I got up to answer it. Harry and I were watching this baking competition thing. It came on every Saturday at noon. It was a perfect time because everyone else was busy doing something.
The doorbell rang a gain. This person was very impatient. I opened the door and this teenage girl was standing there.
"Hi I'm", she started.
I closed the door in her face and locked the door. I figured she was just another random fan and went to go sit back down on the couch with Harry. He un paused the show and I went back to leaning on him and watching the show, until Liam came down all panicky.
We both let out this loud deep sigh and Harry paused the show again.
"Why are you that?" I asked.
"Who was at the door!" He asked.
"I don't know. Some chick", I said.
"Well that chick was my potential girlfriend I was going to use for your plan", he said checking if the girl was still there.
"Oops....Well anyway if you ask me it's not really nice to use girls like that and play with there emotions like that", I said.
"But it was your plan", Liam said.
"Yeah but", I started.
"It was your plan", Harry said and I dirty looked him. He just shrugged.
"Yeah but I didn't mean use girls. I meant like an actor, or pay someone to do it", I said.
"Well you weren't very specific", Liam said.
"I'm sorry....that I'm not sorry", I said turning back to the tv and un paused it.
Then Liam walked over and paused the show again. Harry and I groaned again. This was supposed to be our hour together.
"Can you two please help me. Common this is really important to me and it should be to you too. Whose more important, this show or me", Liam said.
"Wellll......" I said.
"Lillian!" Harry said.
"Ok, you", I replied.
"Good now I need a girl. Help me." Liam said.
"Not until you say the magic word", I told him.
"Can you please help me", Liam asked.
"Ehhh. Incorrect password. Try again", I teased.
"Hmm. Let me think about it. Ooo I got it. Chuckys going to eat you if you don't help me", Liam said and I scolded him.
"Hey what happened to nice Liam?" Asked Harry.
"He got lost after I stopped eating squirrel jerky. Now back to the problem.", Liam said.
"Why don't you just ask a girl friend of your if they could pretend to be your girlfriend for a while", I said.
"Ok. Let me go through my contacts.....hey Lillian can you be my pretend to be my girlfriend for a while?" Asked Liam.
"Watch it buddy", Harry said.
I shook my head a smiled.
"Liam do you have another girl friend besides me", I asked.
"I don't know. I have a lot of contacts. I have an idea, how about Vanessa?" Liam said.
That was a problem because Vanessa really did like Liam.
"No she lives to far", I said.
"But I can just say I'm long distant dating", he said.
"No it just doesn't make sense. Plus I already told Nikki you were single", I said not thinking.
"Why'd she want to know that?" Asked Liam.
"Oh had a friend who was interested in you", I lied.
"Oh well do you know her number. Maybe she could help us", Liam said.
"That wouldn't work. She got more into Zayn", I lied again.
"Curse Zayn and his charming looks", Liam said.
Then Nikki walked in with her purple ombré in a braid down her shoulder.
"Lillian I need your help desperately", Nikki said walking in the living room.
"Oh my god. Is it to much to ask to watch a tv show with my girlfriend", Harry said.
"Ok sorry Hazza. We can watch it tomorrow or something, ok?" I said.
"Whose Hazza?" Asked Nikki.
"I thought you promised not to call me that", Harry said.
"Oh well I had my fingers crossed. Come on Nik lets go to my room", I said getting up and giving Harry a peck on the lips.
I followed Nikki to my room. Before I went up Liam gave me this look that I think ment to try and see if Nikki liked him, but I already knew that answer so I wasn't going to ask.
We got my room an we went to the bay window to talk.
"So what do you need help with?" I asked picking up Hamlet.
"My song writing", she answered.
"Your song writing? You never ask help on that kind of stuff", I told her.
"Yeah I know. I just need some inspiration and editing", Nikki said.
"So you came to me. I'm the worst singer ever. I don't even want to know how I am at song writing", I replied.
"You can't be that bad. Sing the song I just wrote, the Live While We're Young one", Nikki said.
"Um I'll pass. Now back to your problem. Now let me see what you have", I said.
She opened her note book and flipped through a few pages. I read what she had and it was pretty bad. Maybe if she sang it would sound better.
"Um can you sing it?" I asked.
"Sure", she said and cleaned her throat with a little cough.
No it was the song. Nikki had a beautiful voice but those lyrics were horrible.
"Ok please stop", I said.
"It's that bad", I asked.
"Yes. Now I'm going to be your manager for the next 8 hours and I'm going to boss you around and help you fix this song", I told her.
"Ok, but wouldn't it be easier to start all over again", she said.
"No. I like the meaning of the song, it just needs to be tweaked a lot", I said.
"Ok. Let's go to the recording room", she said and we both got up and went to the recording studio room.
"So where do we start?" Asked Nikki.
"I guess the first verse", I told her and she opened her book.
"8 hours. 8 hours just to write and perfect the actual song. Gosh, I thought you had the easiest job in the world, but boy was I wrong", I said checking the time.
"And the bad part is, we're not even done. We still have to add some lyrics and add a few more things. You wanna take a break?" Nikki said getting up and stretching.
"Yeah. I'm gonna go downstairs and see what two boys are doing", I told her.
"Alright I'm going to the bathroom. Mind if I use yours?"
"No not at all", I said and walked out of the recording room and down stairs.
I walked in and the boys were all on the couch watching the new episode of Walking Mutts. I walked over and had a seat next to Harry.
"Hey what have you two been up to?" He asked.
"Writing a song. She needed help with it", I said leaning on his shoulder.
"Did you figure anything out?" Whispered Liam from the armchair,
"Oh, no I haven't. Sorry", I said.
Nikki came downstairs and came into the living room and sat down next to me.
"On is this the new episode?" She asked.
"Shhh", all the boys hushed.
"Yeah", Liam said afterwards.
I got up because I couldn't stand this show and went into the kitchen for a snack.
I grabbed some cookies and started looking at my phone for any messages from anyone. I got one from Vanessa.
VANESSA: Hey. Sorry I haven't been answering your ft calls. I'm really busy with work and stuff, but hopefully we can ft soon. Call me back when you can
I was about to FaceTime her when Nikki came over.
"You ready to go back to work", Nikki said.
"Yeah. Let's go and finish this song and then go to sleep. That reminds me, wanna sleep over?" I asked.
"Yeah sure. Now let's go get this sucker done", she said and went up the steps.
We added some music to the song. It was a slow song. It's about all the things that a girl doesn't like about her life, but the boys like them. It's hard to explain but the song is great.
"Ok that should do it. Thanks so much for your help", Nikki said.
"No problem. Now can I hear the song all together", I asked.
"Sure. You wanna sing it with me?" She asked.
"Haha no. You sing it", I said.
She did that throat clearing thing and started the song.
"Your hand fits in mine like it was made just for me, but bear this in mind it was meant to be", she started and kept singing. It sounded great and it was much better than before. She finished singing and I did a mini applause.
"Nik that was great", I told her.
"I know. That's definitely one of the best songs I've ever written. Thank you so much for your help. Can I repay you in any way."
"Why do you want to repay me. I was just helping you. It's not a big deal."
"Fine. Wait I know how I'm going to repay you. I'm going to give you singing lessons!"
"Oh god no", I said.
"Please", she begged and did the puppy dog face. What is it with people and these faces.
"Alright fine."
"Yay. Now sing the first verse", she said.
I looked at her strange for a second and sang the first verse of the song.
"What do you mean your bad at singing. Your awesome, almost better then me", Nikki said.
"No your pretty bad", Nikki said.
"Wow thanks", I said sarcastically.
"Sorry. But with a little work and effort, I can make you sing just like me. Now try to match your voice to mine", she said and we sang the same pitch.
By midnight she got me singing like her. She was a miracle worker, is all I can tell you. We sang the song with each other like a duet and it sounded awesome.
"Well, thanks for the lessons. Now if I ever have to sing for my life I can", I told her.
"Your welcome. Now let's go to your room. I'm exhausted", she said and we went to my room to go sleep. Nikki slept on the couch and I on my bed. I haven't felt this tired in a long time.
Hey guys. Sorry for the shortness. I promise the next chapter will be longer. I didn't really know where this chapter was going because I haven't updated in such a long time. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and get ready for some lessons with Katniss.

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