Part 23... The fog clears.

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It had been twelve hours since I had received the phone call. I was now making my way to a FBI run medical facility where Vera had been taken to. My emotions were high and the last twelve hours had been a haze. I had been operating on auto pilot. When my mother had called me to tell me she had found out where Vera was I had been in shock. It had taken some time and my own grilling of the Gayers to reassure me that Vera was indeed alive and where they said she was.

I had immediately contacted Jim Bower and although I would have preferred to circumvent the FBI, Jim made me realise that we needed them for the final invasion. Surprisingly getting Vera had been very easy but the subsequent information had been hard to take in.

She had forgotten the last seven years.

It now made more sense why she had let her friend Kaya take charge of her life.

Director Dees had refused to divulge more information which had been maddening but at least Jim was there to ensure that the FBI did not pull any tricky moves with Vera.

When I get my hands on Kaya Chambers she would be finished.

I exited the vehicle hastily, eager to have Vera in my arms again.

Jim met me at the door.

"How is she? Is she alright? The baby is okay right?" I rattled off at the investigator.

"Rui I think we need to talk before you see her." Jim detained me. I stopped to look at him.

"Why? Is something wrong with her? You said she was fine," I accused him.

"She is fine but her memory..." he paused and looked away from me.

"I know she has no recollection of the last seven years but she remembers me right from seven years ago?" I asked hoping to understand his need to keep me back.

"Yes she does." He admitted reluctantly.

"Jim right now I just want to see her, so take me to her please before I strangle someone." I demanded to the private investigator who shrugged and led me down a corridor. We stood in front of a room with a single door.

"Rui I don't think this is a good idea, it may be too soon for her."

"Please whatever the issue is I can handle it just let me in." I said as the door opened.

"Come in Mr Leonetti." Director Dees invited.

I entered the room and realised it was just an office. Vera was not in here. Disappointment coursed through me at this setback once again.

"Where is she?" I asked the director angrily.

"Have a seat." He instructed.

"I want to see Vera right now." I turned around to exit but two agents blocked the door.

"What is going on here?" I turned to the director. My emotions were all frazzled and all this run around was not making it easy on my unsettled state of mind.

"Mr Leonetti if you have a seat we will explain the situation to you." The director's calm voice said.

"I will not have a seat and I will not listen to your explanation. Now, I want to see Vera." I said through clenched teeth my breathing getting heavier as my anger rose.

The director sat on one of the chairs and said nothing. I tried to go to the door again but the guards did not budge.

I turned to the infuriating man at the table and went to hold his jacket, "Why won't you let me see her!" I shouted to his face.

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