Chapter 1

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Lydia Merrick puts everyone to shame. The most popular girl in school, you were lucky to breath the same air has her. But I'm Taylor.

I sat quietly in AP math class. The door swings open and Lydia Merrick walks in. Everyone who she passes in swoon by her "beauty" I call it a face full of makeup. Lucky for me, I sit in the back of the room. But becoming swoon to Lydia Is about as easy as saying no to smoking. (It's easy for me though.) Lydia scampers to the back in her 5 inch heels, as usual she smells like Vanilla that she says "It's a designer perfume." But I have the same kind at home. Lydia plops down next to me in her black leggings and designer shirt.

"Hey Lydia." Says Kyle Western. Kyle used to date Lydia that was when she had the braces, glasses, and zits. But Kyle wants her back now. Ironically she's still single. Did I mention that Lydia broke up with Kyle?

"Don't talk to me, Kyle." She said as she fixed her hair into a bun. I scooted over a tad because even though we had single desks Lydia smelled like a walking flower cart. Only all the flowers are dead.

"Lydia please be quiet." Said Mr. Smith.

"I want too, but the assistant principal told me I wasn't on dress code." Lydia frowned.

"Well sorry that your first day from spring vacation was a bust. Lydia where did you go anyway?" Mr. Smith asked. Lydia glared as she places her books on the metal holder under her chair.

"I went to Utah; I visited my friend Ruby and Estelle." Lydia said. She slouched in her seat. It was sad to see such a girl who had so much potential and brains, just too throw it away.

"Ok, well let's begin with Factors of 959." He said. At this point, people were gnawing their nails down to stubs, braiding hair or actually paying attention. After 15-20 minutes of a nameless lecture, the bell that freed all students. Only the ones that deserved to be free.

"Lydia, can I see you at my desk for a moment?" I heard Mr. Smith say as I walked out of the classroom. I leaned up against the wall trying to listen to the conversation.

"Lydia, you have 4 unturned in assignments." Mr. Smith said.

"Ok, look. Mr. Smith can we work something out? Can come on Friday after school to make up stuff?" She asked. Mr. Smith nodded, and sent her on her way. I had no idea the conversation was over, but before I knew it, Lydia walked out and stood in front of me.

"Hey Bianca, can I get a ride home do you think?" Lydia asked looking down.

"Sure I guess, Lydia. And my name isn't Bianca, its Taylor." I said giving her a reassuring smile. It felt slightly odd that the most popular girl in school was asking me for a ride, in a beat up Honda Civic. "Meet you outside of the main hall?" I asked Lydia. She shrugged and turned the other way. I began down the hallway. Lisa and Kelly met me as always right outside my locker.

"I saw you talking to Lydia." Said Lisa.

"Yeah, um. She needed a ride home and she asked me." I said.

"Cool. See ya later Tay." Lisa said taking Kelly along with her. I quickly grabbed my bag from my locker and head outside down to the main hallway. And sure enough there's Lydia, smoking a cigarette.

"Hey, Lydia." I said.

"Let's go." She said. I lead her to my car.

"This is your car?" She asked.

"Hey, I don't have a million dollars lying around like you do." I said unlocking the doors.

"Whatever." She said, I waited for Lydia to get in the car.

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