The lies and deceit.
Look what you made me.
Look what we've become.
But your soft voice in my ear still gives me chills
Running up my spine like mini marathons
I wash my hands and retreat back to my room. Shaking my head, I look past the unfinished piece and flick on my tv. I finally score with Kick Ass and fall asleep. I woke up at the best part because they're taking down the boss. Soon after, a new show comes on. It's about everlasting, forbidden love. I changed the channel though. Stories like those always made me wonder. What if I found a love like that? I wouldn't tell them that I loved them. I'm way too shy. That's why I don't have a girlfriend now. That's probably why I don't have friends..I frown and then sigh. I shift my upper body against my headboard.
"Mark Sebastian Oaidas. Goal for Junior Year is to get a girlfriend and some friends. Failure isn't an option. Got it? Got it. Good. " I said to myself confidently.
With that, I slid down and went back to sleep. The TV show ran.
~~~One week later~~~ Date: Monday, August 12th, 6:45 am.
I roll over in my bed. I press my pillow over my ears to block out the blaring alarm. Loud knocks on the door confirm that today is the day.
"MARK!! Get up or you'll be eating with the sharks!" my dad yells through the door.
I groan and roll out of my warm haven. I pick up some clothes off the ground and throw them in the hamper. I cut off the tv and push in my computer chair.I throw my cover back over my bed. After opening the blinds, I see my clothes. I grab them and my towel and slam on the head of my alarm.
Two minutes and 37 seconds. I got faster.
I smile and walk to the shower. Turning it on, I wait for the steam to rise and step in.
"Aaaaah. Perfect. " I groan softly. The water falls over my light skin. It glitters off the sunlight of the morning sun. Shaking my head, I smile at my little poetry. I scrub my body down. Looking around like an idiot, I grab my hair stuff and squeeze out more than necessary. After a bit of toying around, I sculpted my hair into a Mohawk. From there, I push it into a duck butt with Sasuke bangs. I laugh out loud as I push my hair into a Super Saiyan style.
" MARK!! HURRY UP!! You're gonna be late on the first day??" My mom yells.
I turn off the shower and step out into the world. Wrapping my towel around my waist, I walk out rushing past my mom. I yell thanks and slam my door closed.
I'm forgetting something.
CLOTHES! I open my door again, only to be greeted by an already dressed Jeremy. He gets a weird look on his face and starts to laugh. I run my hand through my hair and realize what he's laughing at. I still appear to look like Goku. Laughing, I slip past him. I rinse my hair off in the sink and grab my clothes. 5 minutes later, I'm back out making bagels for Jeremy.
" I want cweam cheese!!" He yells from the table.
"No cream cheese for you until you can say it correctly. Mommy says so. " I reply.
"Markiiiiiiiiiiiiieee!!!!" he whines pleadingly.
"Jeremyyyyyy! Just ask for it the right way!" I say, rolling my eyes.
He crosses his arms defiantly and mumbles "Who says it's right?"
That kid is good.
"Jeremy. I'll give you cweam cheese if you promise to behave today. Kay?" I say softly, putting my face beside his.
He jumps a little and laughs. Then he grabs my cheeks and kisses my nose. The toaster pops and I stand up to retrieve the bagels.
"Kiss mine!!" He demands.
I smirk, lean over him, and kiss his nose lightly.
"There. Now what do you want on your bagel today?" I ask.
"CREAM CHEEEESE!!!" He yells excitedly.
"Cream cheese it is." I say with a smile, spreading the last bits on the edges.
~~~2 hours later~~~
"I know it's Monday guys but we have GOT to get this done. Summer vacation is OVER. It's time to learn. Grab a notebook from the shelf and return to your seat." Mr. Havern says over the buzz of chattering teens.
I wait for everyone else to get a notebook before I get up. I swiftly make my way through the row and to the shelf. But there's no more books. I raise my hand. He looks at me and keeps talking. I lean against the shelf while I wait. After about three minutes he pauses.
"Mr. Oaidas. Sit down." He says sternly.
"Sir, there aren't any notebooks left. I was waiting for yo-" I explain.
"You were waiting for me? I was waiting for you to get a notebook. But you waited until last minute. So I'M going to wait until the last minute as well. Take a seat Mr. Oaidas." He says curtly.
I grudgingly return to my seat and start to write on a slip of paper. Whenever he turns around he makes eye contact with me.
I just gotta get through the last 10 minutes of class and then I can ask to transfer out.
The metal door crashes open and a tall red-headed figure walks through.
Red hair, green eyes, smooth skin. He's probably a heartbreaker. I think to myself.
He smiles at Mr. Havern. The old man has a bewildered emotion. The student apologizes and hands him a yellow slip of paper. Mr. Havern hands him a notebook from his desk and tells him to sit where he pleases. Red Hair looks around the room, glancing past the front and makes eye contact with me. I look towards my childhood crush, Xiomara Xochitl. Her eyes are glued to him.
Great. I'm never going to get her now.
I hear a soft grunt to my left. I look up to see Red Hair gesturing towards the inside of my row. I move my legs and he sits a seat away from me. I look back down at Xiomara. She's whispering to her friends Tina and Jupiter. Red Hair taps me. I look over and he smiles.
"Hey. You have a pencil?" He asks.
I nod and reach into my bag and pull out a pencil. He takes it and with a quick thanks, starts to write down the key dates for our semester. I do the same. Finally the bell rings. I pack up my stuff and try to get out the class. Mr. Havern calls me back.
"Mark. Here's a notebook. Thank you for looking out for Adam. He's new, if you haven't noticed." He said softly.
"Yeah. I did. Thanks Mr. Havern." I replied.
I turned and walked out. Adam waited across the hall, leaned up against some lockers. His white shirt had pink stains by the neck, his jeans were ripped, and his shoes were tattered.
He had a piece of paper and the pencil I gave him in his hand. He gave me both. I raised an eyebrow.
I pocketed the pencil and opened the piece of paper. It was pretty, curvy, light handwriting similar to the first. It read:
Hi Mark! Can we be friends? I think you're pretty sweet for what you did today. Signed X
I looked up. Adam grinned at me and we walked our separate ways to class.
Xiomara wants to be friends!! YES!
This year is going to be awesome.