The Child

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I was outside playing one day and all of a sudden, it started to rain. I looked up at the sky and watched as the rain fell onto my face. I was so upset that my perfect day was over, so I went inside the house. Suddenly, I heard something say, "Why are we inside, when we should go outside and splash in the puddles! We can play "Water Monster." So let's grab our rain boots and go outside and play!" After hearing that voice, I had the strangest urge to do what it said. I grabbed my rain boots and splashed around in the puddles. Then I thought to myself, "Maybe I should talk to that girl again."  I looked into the puddle and said, "Hey! What's your name?" She had a smile on her face and spoke, "My name is Lizzie." After we had a little talk, she suggested that we play more in the rain and play "Water Monster". I agreed and we stayed outside, until we were called inside to eat. I never knew how much fun it was to be a child again.

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