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One day while I was walking down the street I heard someone say "Nice Shirt!" But I didn't know who said it. The voice sounded so familiar. But I couldn't picture a face. Back to reality. The strange voice said " I love The Who to". I turned around and it was Billie Joe. I didn't know what to say! I thought to myself "if I act crazy he wouldn't want to talk to me! Then I thought "just act cool Kendra"! I said "thanks"! Then he saw my Green Day necklace. He said "You must be a fan of Green Day to"! I said "a fan?!" More like a huge fan"! He laughed. So he asked "would you like to sit down and have a cupcake or something?" I said "sure!" I'm like I can't believe I am having a cupcake with Billie Joe! So when he sat down I asked "Where's Adrienne?" He said " She is off getting her nails done with Brittney! Would you like to go meet them?" I said "Yes I would love to meet them!" When we got done with the cupcake he took me to meet them. Adrienne said "Who is the cutie Billie?" Billie said "This is Kendra!" Then Adrienne added "How did you meet her?" He said "I fell in love with her shirt." Adrienne laughed. She asked me "Would you like to get your nails done with me and Brittney?" I said " I would love to Ms. Adrienne. She added you don't have to call me Ms. Adrienne sweetie". I smiled. Billie walked up to me and whispered "Would you love to go to a Green Day concert tonight?" I looked at him and said "Heck yes!" He laughed. I couldn't help but laugh to. Later that night we went to the concert and I sat backstage with Adrienne! Before the show she gave me a tour around the place. When we were walking around I saw Mike & Tre. Mike asked Adrienne could he borrow me for a second. Adrienne said "Sure I don't mind!" Mike said "Come here Kendra I want to teach you something" So I walked with him. And we went up on stage and he taught me how to play the bass. I freaked out on the inside! He said " Your awesome at the bass!" I said "aww thanks Mike!" He decided to give me his bass!:) I said "I couldn't take your bass Mike!" He said "It's ok I have plenty more." So I decided to take it. He walked me back to the dressing room to meet the other boys. And of course Tre acted crazy as always:) Billie asked "Could I get you anything?" He said " We have water, cookies, chips, anything you want!" I said "I would like some cookies please!" He said "I LOVE COOKIES TO!" We laughed. Tre said "Kendra I want to teach you something!" I was like Oh My God, Tre wants to teach me something! I was excited and nervous at the same time. He took me to a room. When he opened the door. There was 100 hundred eggs. He said " No man or woman can eat 50 eggs!" So I looked at him and said "lets see who can it the most" At the end Tre won! He took me back to the dressing room. Billie was the only one in the room. Billie looked at me and said "Are you having a good time?" I said "I am having a wonderful time, thank you Billie!" I asked "I said Billie can I tell you something?" He said "Yeah sure what is it?" I said " I hope this doesn't sound stupid, But you have helped me so much with everything, you are the only one that was there when nobody else was, you are the only one that understands me!" He said "Thank you so much Kendra, this is why I do this, I love to hear my fans say important stuff like that to me!" I started crying. He went over where I was and said "Why are you crying?" I said "I thought I would never get to meet you and tell you that!" He said "That doesn't mean you have to cry!" I laughed! He said "Good I am happy you are laughing again!"

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